The Day of Pentecost

The Day of Pentecost/Year A/May 28, 2023

Acts 2:1-21; Psalm 104:25-35, 37; 1 Corinthians 12:3b-13; John 20:19-23


Opening prayer: (Common Prayer for Children and Families)

When Pentecost Day arrived, a fierce wind filled the entire house and they saw flames of fire alighting on each disciple. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages.

 (Acts 2:1-4, adapted)

Let us pray: Creator of speech and silence, Holy Spirit of water, fire, and wind, we give you thanks for all the languages of the earth; fill our souls and the Church with your holy flame and bless our tongues to tell the world of the love that unites us all. Amen.

Today is the day we celebrate the coming of the promised gift of the Holy Spirit…The Day of Pentecost…

*From Day 5 of a Thy Kingdom Come reflection that I read this past week, Bishop Mike Royal General Secretary, Churches Together in England) gives us a little background info about Pentecost…

*(As Christians we know Pentecost as the coming of the Holy Spirit on the Church, but 2000 years ago it was known as the Jewish festival celebrating the ingathering of the first fruits of harvest. It was a festival that attracted people from all over the known world to Jerusalem: a beautiful movement of unity in diversity – displaying God’s great abundance in the diversity of peoples, languages, food, and cultures. It is on that day, on those gathered people that the Holy Spirit was poured out, so all may hear of Jesus.)

It was on that day and today as we celebrate the Day of Pentecost…that we are reminded of the gift of the Holy Spirit, the breath of God, which has been poured out for ALL of us, to open our eyes and ears and hearts and minds to be transformed by the love of God, made known to us in Jesus…and then sent out into the world…wherever we are… to share this love which has the power to unite us all…

Here's the thing… “this love” made known to us, through Jesus, and the gift of the Holy Spirit…is a love that can be understood by everyone, through everyone, and for everyone…

It’s a love that comes to life and understanding in ourselves and others, when we invite the Holy Spirit to guide our words and actions…a love and understanding between each other….no matter race, culture, language, or any of the diverse beliefs you might think separate us from God or one another…

It’s a love that you, equipped and inspired through the gift of the Holy Spirit, are called to share in ways, that only you authentically and uniquely can…

It’s a love that gives food to the hungry…it’s a love that provides shelter for the houseless, it’s a love that offers safe space for the abused, it’s a love that reminds others of their worth and dignity, it’s a love that cares for all of creation, it’s a love that works with others to find solutions to bring an end to gun violence and all forms of violence in our communities, it’s a love that encourages someone to begin again, it’s a love that thanks others for their gifts of generosity and service for the benefit of others, it’s a compassionate and active love that gives voice and hands and feet to the prayers of all God’s beloved children…

On this Day of Pentecost, we are equipped with all we need, to go out into the world, to share the love of God, made known to us through Jesus, and by the gift and inspiration of the Holy Spirit…

On this Day of Pentecost, let us pray once again, to receive anew in our hearts, the Holy Spirit, the Breath of God, poured out for all of us…so all may hear of Jesus’ love which has the power to unite us all…


Rev Julie Platson

***IMAGE CREDIT - James He Qi -

Closing prayer/Hymn: (VF) 59 - Breath of God, life-bearing wind

1       Breath of God, life-bearing wind,

          waking matter into birth,

          planting promise, prompting hope:

          with your life renew the earth.


2       Breath of God, word-bearing wind,

          truth—revealer, prophet’s speech,

          guide to vistas of the mind:

          let your word excite and teach.


3       Breath of God, fire-bearing wind,

          source of power, love, and light,

          melting fears and joining tongues:

          with your fire our hearts ignite.


4       Breath of God, song-bearing wind,

          stirring wonder to rejoice,

          yearning’s echo, grace’s dance:

          let your song give our prayers voice.