word and action...

7 Easter/Year A/May 21, 2023

Acts 1:6-14; Psalm 68:1-10, 33-36; John 17:1-11


Opening prayer: Spirit of Glory, Spirit of God, bless us with a word of life this day to restore, support and strengthen us as we seek to be one with you. Amen.  (Feasting on the Word: Worship Companion)

In today’s gospel reading, Jesus is praying…. He prays for himself, he prays for the disciples, he prays for all those who will come to know the love of God in Jesus Christ themselves through the testimony of this love through others… He knows his earthly mission is coming to completion and that it is time for him to leave this world…and he wants his disciples and all those who come after him, to know that they will never be left alone…

Jesus prayed for his disciples because he knew that his disciples had to live in the world now without him, and that they would be tempted and discouraged by so many things throughout their lives…He knew that up to this time, it had been him who had kept them together, but now that he was about to leave them he wanted them to understand, that they would need God’s help to stay together, so they could support one another and continue in the work of building up God’s kingdom of love, here on earth as in heaven, as was made known to them through Jesus… He knew that if his disciples came together as one, just as he was one with the God, that they would be much stronger together than they would be all alone in this world. So, he prayed, with all of his heart, and asked God to protect them and to help them to become one, just as he and God were one.

Jesus’ prayer for his disciples at this hour, I think, is one of the most beautiful and moving scriptures in the bible…Perhaps, because it captures the power of praying for one another, and on behalf of one another…in way that unites us as one family, and binds us together in love, through Christ’s love…

At St Peter’s, we come together in community every week to praise God with our voices and our songs, to listen to the Word of God in the hearing of the scriptures…to be reconciled to God and each other through Jesus Christ in the breaking of bread, and in our prayers. Through our prayers, and in the breaking of bread together, in the name of Jesus Christ, we become one as Jesus has prayed for us, “Holy Father, protect them in your name that you have given me, so that they may be one, as we are one.”

Jesus has set an example for his followers by teaching them and showing them throughout his life, that prayer has the power to inspire actions that transform lives by bringing people together, inspire actions that promote healing in families and communities, inspire actions that strengthen, support, comfort, and restore hope, in places where people are longing for it…And most importantly…prayer reminds us and those we pray for, that we are never alone…

Since 2016, the Church of England has promoted a focused time of prayer for others, during the 11-day period from Ascension Day (this past Thursday) through the day of Pentecost (next Sunday).

***Intro from the: THY KINGDOM COME PRAYER JOURNAL 2023:

Thy Kingdom Come is a worldwide prayer movement that invites Christians around the world to pray from Ascension to Pentecost. Since its launch by the Archbishops of Canterbury and York in 2016, Christians from 172 countries and over 100 denominations have taken part in praying for friends and family to come to faith in Jesus Christ. These days have always been full of expectation and anticipation. As the Lord Jesus ascended, He promised the gift of the Holy Spirit to enable the disciples to be witnesses. As they waited for the promise to

be fulfilled they devoted themselves constantly to prayer (Acts 1:14). So, the renewed call across the church is to set these days apart to pray, and each individual to pray for 5 people to come to know the love and peace of Jesus Christ.

Thy Kingdom Come always focuses on praying for people to know the love of God in Jesus Christ for themselves. However, this year, (they) are also encouraging people to consider taking a step further, to go the extra mile, to love and serve the needs of those you are praying for or others who are in need- ‘Living the Kingdom.’

In this prayer journal: Each day there is a passage from the Bible, a short reflection, a time to pause and pray, and a ‘Living the Kingdom’ action. There is also space each day for your own notes.

Even though this seasonal prayer movement began this past Thursday…you can still begin today…and continue through next Sunday – The Day of Pentecost…when we celebrate the coming of the promised gift of the Holy Spirit.

I’ll send out the link to the prayer journal that you can read online…and I have a few hard copies here today…

Thy Kingdom Come - General info and resources can be found HERE

Prayer journal below

I do hope that you will choose 5 people to pray for this week…and set aside some time of prayer and reflection and take on some “Living the Kingdom” actions… so that all will come to know the love of God in Jesus Christ for themselves. So that they may encounter God’s love and experience God’s blessings…through your testimony of love, in prayer and action…


Closing prayer/Hymn: (VF) 120 - O God, we praise your holy name

O God, we praise your holy name, as one in Christ we stand.

You’ve made us (siblings) through your son with kin in every land.

Anoint us now with your own grace that we might ready be to touch the world with gentleness as through Christ’s eyes we see.

Oh, God, in joy we lift our song, your words we will proclaim, until the love we share today throughout the world shall reign. Amen.

Rev Julie Platson

St Peter’s by the Sea Episcopal Church, Sitka, Alaska