Epiphany 6/Year C/Feb 16 2025 Sermon by Chip Camden
Readings: Jeremiah 17:5-10; Psalm 1; I Corinthians 15:12-20; Luke 6:17-26
**photo: The Sermon -- Fritz von Uhde, Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, Hungary
Epiphany 6/Year C/Feb 16 2025 Sermon by Chip Camden
Readings: Jeremiah 17:5-10; Psalm 1; I Corinthians 15:12-20; Luke 6:17-26
**photo: The Sermon -- Fritz von Uhde, Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, Hungary
5 Epiphany/Year C Sermon/February 9, 2025
Isaiah 6:1-8; Psalm 138; 1 Corinthians 15:1-11; Luke 5:1-11
Opening Prayer: Loving God, you have called forth disciples and prophets to live and speak your word. Give us ears to hear, lives to respond, and voices to proclaim the good news of salvation, which we know in our Savior Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen. (Textweek.com)
This is one of those Sundays, when the gospel reading we heard today comes up on the lectionary cycle, when I feel a bit like a “fish out of water”. As I’ve looked out at most of you sitting in the pews throughout my relatively short years here in Sitka, and have had the opportunity to listen and learn more about your way of life here that relies on our natural resources from the sea and the land to feed your families, and others who rely on your labors in the fishing industry…I can’t help but feel grateful and thankful. Many of you have spent long days, long nights, long weeks and months, fishing year after year, to provide for your family, and for those of us who are the recipients of the fruits of your labors and I think to myself – I am unworthy to even begin to unpack today’s Gospel reading from the perspective of the fisherman, most especially from Simon’s perspective in today’s story.
But, from that place of feeling unworthiness, what I can do, is share my perspective, and my wonderings, as a fellow sojourner in this world, as someone who is in the “boat”, with you...striving to make sense of this sometimes, difficult and confusing and wonderful world, we find ourselves in…and as someone who is striving to discern how I can use my particular gifts to work and live with others, in such a way that contributes to the well-being of all God’s beloved children.
That’s all any of us are called to do…to share our own authentic faith story, with one another…from the place in our hearts, from where we believe we have heard God’s voice and his call to us – that voice that speaks to each of us – wherever we are – calling our attention for a moment – even in a fearful moment – most often in a fearful moment – to stop – listen – listen to the words of Jesus – Do not be afraid…
Each of our readings today, include a “call” message. Isaiah’s call, Paul’s testimony on his call, and then Simon (and James and John’s) call…each one of them, were called in the midst of where they were, each one of them, perhaps taken by surprise…each one of them, perhaps, experienced a moment of fear, unbelief, or unworthiness… but when they said, yes with their hearts, when they opened up their eyes, ears and hearts, to the miracle and mystery of the saving grace of God’s love they were witness to, in that moment…something changed in them, something transformed them, even if it was just a small flicker of light that momentarily gave them the courage…to boldly take a step forward, leaving everything behind: the worries, the fears, the weariness, the feelings of unworthiness…all left behind…to answer God’s call to them… believing that God had chosen them for something greater than what they had yet to imagine…
In today’s gospel reading, this is the good news I’m hearing today:
There were people eager to hear some good news…not just any good news…but the good news that Jesus had been teaching everywhere he went… the Word of God’s love and faithfulness for his people…a love that has the power to free people from the bondage of sin and suffering, calling them instead…to believe in a hopeful, flourishing, abundant life, as revealed to us in Jesus’ teachings and miracles…time and time again…
Jesus got into the boat, belonging to Simon…and asked him to put out a little way from the shore…and from there Jesus spoke to the crowds who were gathered to hear the life-giving Word of God…
I like to believe that Jesus chose Simon’s boat that day…knowing that He and his partners James and John had worked all night long fishing and had caught nothing. I believe he knew just how tired they were, that they had toiled and worked themselves to the bone, all night….but still had to clean up everything afterwards, they still had to get everything set for the next day, they still had to summon up the strength to work tomorrow, the next day, and the next…wondering and worrying whether there will be any fish tomorrow…they were exhausted, perhaps discouraged…perhaps feeling depleted and empty…
I believe Jesus chose Simon’s boat that day….because sometimes we don’t know that we need to hear the good news of God’s love for us…
But Jesus does…and it is precisely in those moments of exhaustion, weariness, discouragement, and unworthiness, that through the saving grace of Jesus Christ, God’s voice does call out to us…and reveals a new way forward…a way forward that invites us to follow Jesus, in walking the Way of love…paying attention to the miracles that are possible and unfolding right before our eyes…right in the midst of the most difficult times in our lives…
So, yes…Jesus was speaking to the crowds, but he was most certainly speaking to Simon, too...intentionally choosing him that day, to assure him…that God’s love and faithfulness is with him, for all of his days…
Simon and the others were amazed, perhaps stunned, perhaps unbelieving, perhaps fearful, scared to death, of the abundance of fish that were caught in their nets, when they responded to Jesus’ words, "Put out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch."
But, it was precisely in the midst of those mixed emotions, and trusting enough to go where Jesus was asking them to go, that Jesus’ words and actions became the healing balm that soothed their souls, softened their hearts, and allowed for the Holy Spirit to revive their souls once again…
Jesus assured Simon (and the others who heard him say), “Do not be afraid, from now on you will be catching people.” (meaning…You will be the one, who can help lift someone out of hunger and despair, and give them hope…You will be the one who goes on to invite the weary person, to come and sit awhile with you, and to assure them that they are seen, heard, and loved.)
In response to this encounter with Jesus, they accepted Jesus’ invitation to follow him …they left everything and decided to follow Jesus.
They decided to follow Jesus, because they now experienced for themselves and had come to believe and trust that indeed Jesus is the One they had been waiting for…there was something compelling in their encounter with Jesus…that affirmed in their being…that the life-giving Word of God’s love, that Jesus proclaimed, were words of hope that they needed to hear and that others long to hear, too…It is this love, that has the power to reconcile us to God, one another, and all of creation.
In a world that is currently experiencing great division, and fear and weariness…we ourselves, are all being called now, we are being chosen by God, in this time and in this place…wherever we are, whomever we are… to share the healing balm of Jesus Christ…so that others know, and we ourselves know…that deep down, we are not so different after-all… we all have fears, struggles, sorrows, heartaches…we all yearn to laugh and experience joys…we all share many of the same desires and dreams and hopes for ourselves and our loved ones…
It is our turn now…to share our own authentic faith story, with one another…from the place in our hearts, from where we have heard God’s voice and his call to us – that voice that speaks to each of us – wherever we are – calling our attention for a moment – even in a fearful moment – most often in a fearful moment – to stop – listen – listen to the words of Jesus – Do not be afraid…stop – listen to the heart-cries and hopes of our neighbors…and share the good news of God’s healing balm…
This is what I take away from the gospel story today….
What about you? You, the tired fisherfolk, you, the weary parent, you, the worried soul, you, who can’t see the end of our troubled times, you, who is tired from the long journey of grief…
What good news, from your perspective, did you hear today? And with whom will you share it this week?
Prayer/Hymn: Lift Every Voice and Sing II - #203 There is a Balm in Gilead
There is a balm in Gilead to make the wounded whole;
There is a balm in Gilead to heal the sin-sick soul.
1 Sometimes I feel discouraged, and think my work’s in vain,
But then the holy spirit, Revives my soul again.
2 If you cannot preach like Peter, if you cannot preach like Paul,
You can tell the love of Jesus, and say He died for all.
3 Don’t ever be discouraged, for Jesus is your friend,
And if you lack for knowledge, he’ll ne’er refuse to lend.
The Presentation of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Temple/Year C Sermon/February 2, 2025
Malachi 3:1-4; Psalm 84; Luke 2:22-40
Rev Julie Platson
Opening Prayer: (A New Zealand Prayer Book)
Everliving God, your Son Jesus Christ was presented as a child in the temple to be the hope of your people; grant us pure hearts and minds that we may be transformed into his likeness, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God for ever. Amen.
Today we celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple.
In Bishop Mark’s e-news reflection this past week, he gave us a brief intro at the start of his reflection regarding this special day on the church calendar:
He writes: February 2 is the Feast of the Presentation. It is a Feast Day that commemorates Mary and Joseph presenting the baby Jesus at the Temple 40 days after his birth–as required by the Torah. The Presentation is sometimes called “Candlemas” due to the tradition of blessing candles for the altar at the celebration. This tradition grew out of the song of Simeon (Luke 2:25-32). The words of Simeon have various translations, but I am fond of the version in the Prayer Book found in our Evening Prayer Service (BCP page 120): “Lord, you now have set your servant free to go in peace as you have promised; For these eyes of mine have seen the Savior, whom you have prepared for all the world to see: A Light to enlighten the nations, and the glory of your people Israel.”
At today’s service we mark this special occasion when the long-awaited One, the light of the world was presented in the temple, lifted up for all to see through the witness of Simeon and Anna in today’s gospel reading….As we look and listen to their words today, we can be inspired by their examples of what it means to wait and long for someone, something that that can help us remain in hope and steadfast in prayer when we find ourselves wondering where God is in the midst of such chaos, darkness and suffering, doubting how we will ever get through such uncertain times, lamenting and longing for a day when indeed all God’s people will know that this symbol of hope, peace, love and redemption that was lifted up for all that day in the temple, is lifted up for all of us today…to hold fast to…to proclaim the good news to others….to not give up in sharing this light and love and peace of God, made known to us throughout centuries of story-telling, in word and action, about the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.
One thing that is highlighted in today’s gospel, notes that Simeon, an elder, waited and never gave up for the coming of the promised One, and it was also noted that the Holy Spirit rested upon him, and that Simeon was open to the Holy Spirit’s guiding throughout his days. We also note how he gives thanks and praise to God, as he lifts Jesus up and proclaims for all to see, that God has fulfilled his promise, here and now, during this lifetime.
Anna, also an elder, was highlighted in today’s reading for her steadfastness in worship and prayer. But not only that, her immediate response after witnessing the presentation of Jesus that day in the temple, moved her to give thanks and praise to God, and to share this good news with everyone she could.
And as I read the last verse in today’s reading: The child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom; and the favor of God was upon him; my thoughts go immediately to Simeon and Anna, as two key persons who helped mark this new beginning possible, for Jesus to grow in faith and wisdom, and embrace the mission he was set aside for: (as we heard in last week’s gospel) To proclaim the good news to the poor, to proclaim release to the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, to proclaim the year of God’s favor…
Perhaps you can think of some key persons, those elders, throughout your lifetime, who have lifted you up in their hearts and minds and prayers and arms of love…who have reminded you of your belovedness, who have inspired you, who have been a beacon of light for you to follow when you were going through some dark times, giving you the courage to hold on, to remain hopeful, to not give up, to dream of a better day, to help you keep the faith, and actively take steps to work for a more just, loving, liberating life for yourself and for those in your community. Perhaps some elders come to mind, those famous saints, and movers and shakers throughout history, who have worked and labored in love for a better future for those who would come into this world long after they were gone. Perhaps you can think of those everyday saints, right here at St Peter’s who have done the same.
My prayer today is for us to be especially mindful, that there are some in our communities and throughout the world who are not and have not been lifted up in the same ways that you may have experienced. For some, there are no names that come easily to mind who have called them beloved.
For some, there are no names that come easily to mind when asked if there is someone who is encouraging them today, giving them hope for today, and for their children’s future. For some, there is no peace in their hearts and lives today.
But, we, all of us, of all ages, have the power and the privilege to be a beacon of light and peace for one another, with God’s help, with the examples of Jesus, and looking to the saints and the elders who have modeled their lives after his, and with the community who gathers every week to worship and pray together to be inspired and guided by the Holy Spirit to go: to go in peace, to live in peace as disciples who reflect the light of Jesus.
Bishop Mark reminds us in his last e-news reflection that: we are called to be disciples of peace.
And he reminds us of how we, as disciples of the Light of Christ, can do this. It is to live deeply into the words of our Baptismal Covenant: To be people of prayer and genuine fellowship; to be people who resist evil (in ourselves and others); to be people who repent and return time and again to the Lord for our hope and renewal; to be a people of Good News in Christ and not cruel judgment in our self-interest. But perhaps most important of all, we are a people who go in Peace when we seek to serve Christ in all persons; when we love neighbor as self; and when we strive for justice and peace among all people (ALL people), and respect the dignity of every human being.
We are going to take a few minutes now to light some candles on this special feast day…candles to remember those elders who have inspired us and continue to give us hope; candles as we pray for those in need of hope and peace; candles to remind us that as disciples of the light of Christ, we are called to go out into the world, as disciples of peace.
After the lighting of candles…move into the prayers of the people today…
Hymns to play while candles are being lit:
Kum ba yah (Kumbaya)…
Let there be peace in earth…
Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me;
Let there be peace on earth, the peace that was meant to be,
With God as creator, brothers and sisters are we,
Let us walk with each other in perfect harmony.
Let peace begin with me, let this be the moment now.
With ev’ry step I take, let this be my solemn vow:
To take each moment and live each moment in peace eternally.
Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.
3 Epiphany/Year C Sermon/ Annual Meeting Day/Jan 26 2025
Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10; Psalm 19; 1 Corinthians 12: 12-31a; Luke 4:14-21
Opening Prayer: Gift-giver, you call us together, with our different gifts, our different ideas, our different tastes. You call us together, to share what makes us special, to build each other up, to serve each other in love. You call us together, knowing that we need all parts of the body of your faithful people, if we are to be whole. You call us together, to sing, to pray, to listen, to speak, to be refreshed so that we can go out and serve. You call us together in the name of the One who has taught us, what it means to walk in love, with God, one another, and all of creation. Amen ~ (posted by Rev Gord)
Today is annual meeting day. A day set aside each year to recall and highlight the ways we, as a faith community, have lived out the mission of Jesus Christ in the past year, and to be reminded of his mission, and to re-affirm our commitment for the coming year to stay true to the mission of Jesus, as we grow in our faith, and as we seek and strive to align our lives and all that we do, with the love of God proclaimed to us, in the life, death, resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Today’s reading from the 1st letter of Paul to the Corinthians, is surely a great text to hear on the day we will gather for our annual meeting... to reflect and review the ways we have functioned as the body of Christ, as the light and love of Christ, here in this place, in our community, and in the world. It’s a text that reaffirms, that we are all a part of the body of Christ. And each one of us, has an important role, in building up the body of Christ, by being beacons of Christ’s light and love…through serving God, and one another, by being the eyes and the ears, the hearts and the minds, and the hands and the feet of Christ in this world today and in the years to come ….
Through our baptisms, and through all of us who gather together in this place to learn more about Jesus and walking the way of love that he has taught us and shown us, we are reminded that we are all called members of one body, Christ’s body…and that we were created to live in community with one another…
There is one Body and one Spirit;
There is one hope in God's call to us;
It is the Holy Spirit that unites us to one another: she helps us learn and seek and strive to understand Jesus’ teachings, they inspire us, enlighten us, comfort us, empower us, and reveal our gifts to be shared with one another, for the well-being and wholeness of the community gathered…here in this place…in our communities, and throughout the world.
Every one of us, is called and invited to engage in the mission of Jesus in this time, and in this place… to proclaim the good news of God’s dream of a beloved community for all people, when ALL KNOW without a doubt they ARE WELCOME in the household of God:
Jesus read from the scroll of the prophet Isaiah today that spoke to what His mission was:
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor.
This is the mission of Jesus, this is the mission of all the baptized, this is the mission of all of us as a faith community:
To proclaim the good news to the poor, to proclaim release to the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, to proclaim the year of God’s favor…
Every one of us:
We are young, we are old; we are quiet, we are outgoing; we are teachers, we are students; we are fishermen and fisherwomen, we are counselors, and advocates; we are prayer warriors, and healing practitioners; we are musicians and singers; we are ushers and greeters; we are lectors, and chalicists; we are bell-ringers and acolytes; we are vestry members and convention delegates; we are community board members and city committee members; we are nurses and medical personnel; we are mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers, we are sisters and brothers, we are aunts and uncles; we are quilters, we are beaders, we are knitters; we are bakers, we are gardeners; we are artists and writers; we are builders, we are craftsmen; we are business owners, and entrepreneurs; we are priests and deacons; we are dancers and gymnasts; we are walkers and runners; we are creation care enthusiasts and domestic violence advocates; we are archivists, and sacred story-keepers; we are federal workers, and government employees; we are people who serve our country in the armed forces, we are coast guard families. The list has no ending in sight…the possibilities are endless with the ways in which we are called to proclaim the good news of God’s love for everyone…through our words, and through our actions…
We are a diverse body of God’s beloved children, who share the same Spirit, which unites us to one another, through the Love of God, made known to us, in Jesus Christ.
All of us together are Christ’s body, and each of us is a part of it.
In a few moments, we will renew our baptismal covenant again…words for all of us to go back to time and time again, especially in times throughout our lives when we find ourselves unsure or wondering: “what is OUR MISSION as a faith community?”
St Peter’s mission statement is worded simply… On a journey together: Seeking and Striving to walk the way of love with God, one another, and all of creation…
But, the possibilities are not simple….they are endless and varied with the ways in which we can all share our gifts in the coming year to be the body of Christ, the light and love of Christ, here in this place, in our community, and in the world.
May God Give us grace, every one of us, to answer readily the call of our Savior Jesus Christ and proclaim to all people the Good News of his salvation, that we and the whole world may perceive the glory of his marvelous works. Amen (Collect of the day/3 Epiphany)
Closing prayer/Hymn: WLP 782 - Gracious Spirit, give your servants
1 Gracious Spirit, give your servants joy to set sin’s captives free,
hope to heal the brokenhearted, peace to share love’s liberty.
Through us bring your balm of gladness to the wounded and oppressed;
help us claim and show God’s favor as a people called and blessed.
2 Word made flesh, who gave up glory to become our great high priest,
taking on our human nature to redeem the last and least:
let your courage and compassion shape and guide our ministries;
as our Savior and our Shepherd, lead us to the truth that frees.
3 Loving God, who birthed creation from the nothingness of space,
kindling life where all was empty, turning chaos into grace:
when we feel confused and fruitless, dawn upon our restless night;
give us faith’s imagination, hope’s renewing, love’s delight.
4 Triune God, eternal Being, never ending, unbegun,
boundless grace and perfect justice, righteous and forgiving One:
so enfold us in your mercy that our wills and yours unite;
through us may the world behold you, find your love, your truth, your light.
(Rev Julie Platson, St Peter’s by the Sea)
1 Christmas/Year C
Isaiah 61:10-62:3, Psalm 147, Galatians 3:23-25; 4:4-7, John 1:1-18
What has come into being in him was life, and the life was the light of all people...from John 1:1-18
Opening Prayer: Almighty God, You have shed upon us the new light of Your incarnate Word. Grant that this light, enkindled in our hearts may shine forth in our lives, through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, One God, now and for ever. Amen (Church of Scotland)
Today’s gospel reading from John is both beautiful and mysterious, all at once. The first eighteen verses in this fourth gospel are often referred to as the prologue – an introduction and summary of sorts, of what the Gospel’s key lessons will be about or perhaps, I should say, “who” this will be about.
The passages from John we heard today…points us to the beginning…the beginning of life….new life that began when God poured upon us the new light of His Incarnate Word…
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through him, and without him not one thing came into being. What has come into being 4in him was life,* and the life was the light of all people. John 1:1-4
This life who is the light of all people…is named Jesus. And we celebrate his birth – the birth of God’s new light, poured out upon us to bring life, eternal life, for all of God’s people.
John the Baptist came as a witness to testify to this light, so that all might believe through him that the true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world. John tried to tell others…that the savior of the world was coming, the true light was coming…but people weren’t quite sure what to make of him….
On Christmas Eve, we listened to the birth story of Jesus through the experiences of the angels, the shepherds, the journey to Bethlehem with Mary and Joseph….according to Luke…The stories and messages that were shared that night reflected outward signs and a few details of the Christmas story, and the birth of Jesus…what people were doing, where they were going, etc…
John’s gospel tells the “birth story” of Jesus, so unlike the other gospels. We don’t hear about Mary and Joseph and their journey to Bethlehem…we don’t hear the stories of the shepherds, or the angels….Instead of giving us a lot of details and imagery of the other gospels….this gospel reading from John, goes to the heart of where all the imagery was inspired….where all the details were just a seed….where all of life began…with the Word...the Word was with God, and the Word was God…all things came into being through Him…
What has come into being in him was life, and the life was the light of all people...from John 1:1-18
As most of us know very well, there are beginnings and endings…there is life, and there is death…we know that from the very beginning of our lives…from the day we are born…
The challenge we face in our lives, is allowing the light and love that was born again in us, and for us, on Christmas Day, to remain with us, to guide our days and our daily walk, throughout our lifetime…and to remember, that even in death, we are alive in the Lord Jesus, when we have faith in Him.
We sometimes forget this light of Christ was born for us, to be a constant companion, even in the darkness...for the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness does not overcome it…
We say that life, the busyness of life, the trials and sufferings of this life, get in the way of our enjoyment of life, or any peace of mind, or truly receiving the blessings poured out upon us. The scriptures today tell us otherwise.
The true light, Jesus, is the one who gives us life. If we can re-direct our gaze and our thoughts once again, back to that beginning, we will have life, the life which is the light for all people…for all eternity…We will be reminded that life, abundant life, is realized in the gift given of Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, the giver of light and life, born to us, over 2000 years ago…
If we can clear the clutter, (of our eharts and minds), put aside the new clothes, put away the presents under our trees, pack away the items sitting pretty on our mantles, take away everything we define ourselves as, in the “doing of things”…we can move from depending on the things of our worldly life, that often weigh us down, to our acknowledgement, that the light, which truly gives us life, is within each one of us…waiting to be rekindled, eager to shine forth, to testify to others…that the light has come, and will come again….again and again… God is with us now… in all his glory…
For…The Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a father’s only son, full of grace and truth. From his fullness, we have all received, grace upon grace…
Christmas is the time to remember in whom, true life was born for us, and in us…
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. Jesus is that Word Eternal.
What has come into being in him was life, and the life was the light of all people. Jesus is that Light eternal.
The Word became flesh and lived among us… Jesus is that Word incarnate.
Closing Prayer/Hymn: (WLP) 748 – From the dawning of creation
1 From the dawning of creation,
God was present in the Word.
And the Word was God eternal,
source of all that came to be.
Jesus is that Word eternal.
Jesus is the Word of life.
2 Light appeared in deepest darkness.
Night was ended, morning dawned.
And that light is ever burning,
brightness never overcome.
Jesus is that Light eternal.
Jesus is the Word of life.
3 Human eyes have seen God’s glory;
human hands have touched God’s own.
In our likeness here among us,
dwells the Word of God made flesh.
Jesus is that Word incarnate.
Jesus is the Word of life.
Rev Julie Platson, St Peter’s by the Sea Episcopal Church
Sitka, AK
Christmas Eve/Year C Sermon Reflection – Dec 24, 2024
Isaiah 9:2-7, Luke 2:1-20
Let us pray: Emmanuel, God-with-us, with eyes open, hearts softened, minds listening, and spirits full, we rejoice that you interrupt what we have in mind in order to bring into being something more than we dare imagine. May your light shine upon us, in us, and through us, as we gather here together, and as we leave this place tonight, eager to share this love and light with the world, that is born again in us, on this Christmas Eve. Amen. (Peter L. Haynes., adapted)
One of my (several) favorite things about gathering on Christmas Eve every year, is that we get to hear the scripture reading from Luke, that describes, just a little bit, about that first Christmas, about the birth of the long-awaited Savior, the Messiah, that the prophet Isaiah, and many other prophets and sages had foretold would come into our world, as a light and a love that would pierce the darkness of the world they were walking in, that would infuse the world with a light, love, hope, peace, and joy that would have the power to transform hearts, and lives, and communities, beyond anything we had yet to imagine.
In this story we listen to each year from the gospel of Luke…we hear a few details, yes…the place, some of the people, the setting, the event, the birth of a child…
But there is so much more room to imagine and wonder about all the details that are not included in this story. As you’ve probably noticed, in St Peter’s nativity up front by the altar, we’ve done some holy imagining over the years…beyond what we hear in the gospel reading tonight…we’ve got some of the “traditional animals” usually associated with the Christmas Stories, such as deer and sheep and cows, we have just a handful of people, shepherds, angels, Mary, Joseph…and the wise men will be added in a couple of weeks…but as you look closely, you will see some dinosaurs, sea creatures, monkeys, polar bears, dogs, cats, chickens to note just a few….It’s been a joyous way to bring this nativity to life in new ways…over 2000 years after the birth of Emmanuel…God with us…
Some may think it’s been a little silly to add all these different creatures to the nativity…but I ask the question – why? Why put God in a neat little box? Why limit God’s desire to reach all of creation, to include all people and creatures in this beloved love story? That’s precisely one of the reasons we celebrate the birth of God’s Son, God’s coming to live among us, for ALL of us, as a love and light that has been poured out for everyone….
As we gather tonight, and as we leave this place…I invite you to take some moments to wonder and ponder further…who were the others that you imagine were there at the time of the holy birth…what were they experiencing in all that was happening? Were they feeling joyous? Were they struggling to be joyful, if they were feeling anxious, or afraid, or just not knowing how to make sense of what was happening? Who are the other ones that we don’t see in this gospel story tonight? Can you think of those you think should be there? How might you become more mindful of those who are not usually included, those who live on the margins, those tucked away in hospitals, homeless shelters, prisons…
And other places and settings and systems that are meant to separate us from one another, instead of bringing us together, as one beloved family of God…
There’s another detail that you won’t find in tonight’s gospel reading about this child born for us…(although the angel Gabriel had already disclosed this detail to both Mary and Joseph previously)…and that is…the name of this holy child whom we come to believe and know as Jesus…the light of the world…
I am filled with gratitude to be able to share this Christmas Eve with all of you…knowing that some of us here tonight, may be feeling joyful, and some of us, may be feeling a bit sad, anxious, afraid…and if we’re all being truthful with ourselves…it’s a probably a mix of everything for most of us…and that’s the beauty of the Luke Gospel story tonight…it includes a little bit of everything…some glorious announcements by the angels, some fearful shepherds, who then go on to glorify and praise God telling others what they had seen and heard, and the quiet detail that tells us, “But Mary treasured all these words and pondered them in her heart.”
The message proclaimed in the Luke story this evening is for all people, for all places, and for all times…May it be so…
(Rev Julie Platson)
Closing prayer/Hymn: (H) 109 – The First Nowell (vs 1,2,4)
1 The first Nowell the angel did say
was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay;
in fields as they lay, keeping their sheep,
on a cold winter’s night that was so deep.
Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, born is the King of Israel.
2 They looked up and saw a star
shining in the east beyond them far,
and to the earth it gave great light,
and so it continued both day and night
Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, born is the King of Israel.
4 This star drew nigh to the northwest,
o’er Bethlehem it took its rest,
and there it did both stop and stay
right over the place where Jesus lay.
Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, born is the King of Israel.
Dec 22, 2024
Today’s sermon is by Kit Allgood-Mellema
1 Advent/Year C
December 1, 2024
Jeremiah 33:14-16; Psalm 25:1-9; 1 Thessalonians 3:9-13; Luke 21:25-36
Opening Prayer: (Christine Sine)
Lord Jesus Christ, we await your coming,
We wait filled with hope,
Knowing your light will shine in the darkness.
We wait anticipating your peace,
Believing that one day it will fill our world.
We wait with joy,
Bubbling us in expectation of your birth.
We wait embracing your love,
May we reach out to share it with our neighbours.
Lord we wait, Come soon and fill us with your life. Amen.
Lord, it seems as though we are always waiting for something, someone, some sign that all will be well in our personal lives, our community, our world.
Especially, now…when there seems to be so many stories filling our news feeds that speak of so much division, darkness, uncertainties, and worries about what our future days will look like…
Yet, it’s not only looking to our news feeds that causes us to worry endlessly about what the future will look like, but even as we look closely at our own personal lives, and in our churches and neighborhoods, that we, too have been impacted by so much loss, and rapid changes in our personal and communal lives over the past several years.
So, yes, Lord, it seems as though we are always waiting for something, someone, some sign that all will be well in our personal lives, our community, our world…some signs of light and hope…in the midst of these sometimes chaotic, troublesome, dark and weary days…
I wonder, if this new beginning of the church year, we might begin again with a fresh approach to how we might journey through this advent season…as we wait and watch, as we listen to the stories in the scriptures and in the songs of the season, as we slow down and pray, and as we look with awe and wonder at the world around us…with a child-like faith, with a renewed trust in the One who is compassionate and loving, good and gracious…the One who can lead us in truth, the One who can teach us and show us the path of hope, peace, joy and love that is before us, the One, whose path we can trust in, with a foundation built upon love and faithfulness…the One whose coming we await, once again, our Lord Jesus Christ.
I wonder if we can open up our eyes, ears, hearts and minds anew this advent season…with a renewed commitment and practice of meditating on the words that Jesus speaks to us in the gospel readings that can help us to be more aware and alert to the signs of light and hope all around us, even in the midst of all that is clamoring for our attention, and threatening to lead us down paths of despair…with no glimmers of hope for the future…
In the gospels, Jesus lays out the whole scenario…the signs of destruction, darkness, the fear of all those things that will threaten to destabilize the earth we tread upon… But, he tells us, not to lower our heads and our gaze in despair, but to stand up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near." Look at the fig tree and all the trees; as soon as they sprout leaves you can see for yourselves and know that summer is already near. So also, when you see these things taking place, you know that the kingdom of God is near. Truly I tell you, this generation will not pass away until all things have taken place. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.
Jesus’ words are worth meditating on, holding onto. For these are the promises, these are the words of hope, that help us to envision a hope that we can hold fast to in those long stretches of time, when it seems as though we are always waiting for something, someone, some sign that all will be well in our personal lives, our community, our world…some signs of light and hope…in the midst of these sometimes chaotic, troublesome, dark and weary days…
Yes, meditating and praying on these scriptures…is a good practice for us to engage in regularly, assuring us that we have these words and a vision of hope to hold onto, and to allow for these words to be grafted in our hearts…
But the other practice that can help us come to a deeper understanding of all that the scriptures can teach us and how they can transform us and our worldview, is to engage in conversations with others about them through group discussions, book studies, etc…or just by sitting down with someone else for a 1:1 conversation…so that you can share stories with one another of those times you experienced seeing signs of hope when in the midst of some long stretches of dark times; And, sometimes, in one of those conversations, you might be the one at that moment in time, who can help someone else see that there are signs of light and hope around them that are worth holding onto…
Our sequence hymn today…and the instrumental/different musical setting I will play again in just a moment…gives us a simple template of how a conversation might flow between two such persons…One who is asking the question, who is waiting for something, someone, some sign that all will be well in their personal lives, community, or world…and the one who is offering the words that will help the other hold fast to the vision of Hope, that we await for in the coming again of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Closing Prayer/Hymn: (H) 640 - Watchman, tell us of the night
1 Watchman, tell us of the night, what its signs of promise are.
Traveler, o’er yon mountain’s height, see that glory-beaming star.
Watchman, does its beauteous ray aught of joy or hope foretell?
Traveler, yes; it brings the day, promised day of Israel.
2 Watchman, tell us of the night; higher yet that star ascends.
Traveler, blessedness and light, peace and truth its course portends.
Watchman, will its beams alone gild the spot that gave them birth?
Traveler, ages are its own; see, it bursts o’er all the earth.
3 Watchman, tell us of the night, for the morning seems to dawn.
Traveler, darkness takes its flight, doubt and terror are withdrawn.
Watchman, let thy wanderings cease; hie thee to thy quiet home.
Traveler, lo! the Prince of Peace, lo! the Son of God is come!
Rev Julie Platson, St Peter’s by the Sea Episcopal Church
Nov 24, 2024
Today’s sermon is by Chip Camden…
The Last Sunday after Pentecost/Christ the King Sunday
Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14
Psalm 93
Revelation 1:4b-8
John 18:33-37
Today is the final Sunday in the church year, commonly called Christ the King -- although as our Bishop recently told us, Christ the King is not one of the feast days mentioned in the Book of Common Prayer. Nevertheless, our readings for this Sunday reflect the regal character of God in Christ that is associated with this observance. What does it mean to say that Christ is King?
When Pilate interrogates Jesus in our gospel lesson, he gets right to the point: "Are you the King of the Jews?" He hoped to make quick work of this case. If Jesus admitted to the charge, then he could be executed as a rebel against Rome. Case closed. But Jesus doesn't make it easy for Pilate. In the same way that God likes to shatter our easy categories, Jesus plays with the meaning of "king" and "kingdom." His kingship is not like earthly rulers who have armies to back them up when fighting against rival kingdoms -- it is not of this world. Pilate grasps at Jesus' use of the word "kingdom" to try to bring the question back to the dualism he prefers: "are you a king then?" Jesus expands on his redefinition: he has come into the world to testify to the truth. "Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice." Thus, Jesus' "kingdom" is made up of truth followers, not soldiers or unwilling subjects. For Pilate, this constitutes a "no" to his original question, so he attempts, unsuccessfully, to release Jesus. But first, Pilate can't resist throwing out a (perhaps snarky) philosophical question: "What is truth?"
We continue to ask Pilate's question 2000 years later. The gospel writer records no response from Jesus. Did he perceive that Pilate wasn't seeking an answer, or that he could not receive one? Or was Jesus' silence more profound: mere words cannot answer that question.
Clearly, when we apply the term "king" to God or to Christ, we cannot mean the same thing as we do when we apply it to humans. It is a metaphor, by which we ascribe certain qualities of kingship but not others, and even those we intend do not correspond exactly. The same is true of every term we use to describe the divine. Take our Psalm for example -- does God really wear clothes? Or our reading from Daniel -- are there chairs in heaven? What does it mean when we say that Christ is seated at the right hand of God - does God even have a right side? No, all of these metaphors intend to express majesty, in the parlance that was familiar to the authors. So it is also with kingship.
A king is powerful, and God is infinitely powerful. But a king often exerts power in order to maintain the authority of the throne and the king’s own possession of it. God has no need to fear any usurper or enemy, so the expression of God’s power is very different from that of a king. A king must dominate – but God’s power is love.
A king rules over many people, and God is over everything. But kings, being human, have less time for each individual the more of them they rule. Not so with God, whose attention is unlimited. Kings create distance between themselves and their subjects, but God embraces the least of us.
We the well-informed liberal minds of the twenty-first century may wish to discard Biblical metaphors like kingship as too dated, patriarchal or ridiculous, but we should remember that there are no words to adequately express the divine. I suspect that, if faith is still found in this world in another two thousand years, they will look back on today's improved terminology and think, "how quaint and unenlightened." Nevertheless, we have little choice. Only by direct encounter can we know God -- and even then we immediately slather it with our explanations. We have to use metaphors, or not speak at all.
We can use our words to point others towards the destination of divine encounter, but we have to be careful not to limit God to our metaphors. God is greater than anything we attempt to describe. There is much more that cannot even be addressed.
Here's a secret: the same is true for you and me. Who you are is far deeper than any words that can be said about you. We often think of our identity in terms of our career, interests and relationships. But all of those things are only emanations (or distractions) from our true identity, which is "hidden with Christ in God" (Colossians 3:3). Meister Eckhart says about that innermost identity: "Here God's ground is my ground, and my ground is God's ground" (Sermon 5b). Because we are united to God, we are also ineffably deep.
Rather than focusing on our surface features such as political party, career, wealth, education, ethnicity, gender and sexuality -- what if we could see the very depth of God in each other? What if we could see each person we meet as Christ? How would we treat them differently?
How can we learn to see that identity in ourselves? Most if not all of us feverishly fashion our surface identities, engineering what we think people will think of us (hint: social media isn’t helping). Often we begin to embrace our own story to the point where we lose our ability to see ourselves as we are. We often fear to look that deeply within, because we are ashamed or afraid of what we think we might find. We fear even more to show that to others. The Imposter Syndrome is the recognition that what we appear to be might not correspond with who we really are -- and that we prefer the fiction to the reality. But we need not be afraid of ourselves. The deeper you go, the more divine you are. Your true identity is unspeakably beautiful.
We may not ever be able in this life to completely avoid projecting false images of ourselves, but the more we learn to refrain from it the more authentic we will be. Authenticity frees us from fear, so that we can genuinely love each other and ourselves. God help us to do so.
26 Pentecost/Year B – Nov 17, 2024
Daniel 12:1-3; Psalm 16; Mark 13:1-8
Opening Prayer: (written by Michael Perry, adapted Psalm 16)
O God of compassion and generosity, you are our refuge, the One in whom we trust for all our needs; our Hope can be found in you. Guide us by day and teach us by night, be near us so that nothing can shake us, make us always aware of your presence, show us the path that leads to life, let your Spirit fill us with joy and HOPE, and let your service be our delight for ever. Amen.
If someone stopped you on the street today, and asked you…what gives you hope? What would you say?
How would you answer that? Do you think it’s a question that you could answer with one simple sentence? Do you think you would need some more time to think on it… Would you need more time to sit down with someone to talk more about this question, and process through your thoughts on hope together? Maybe you never to stop and think about it too much…It can be a word that we use frequently, yet not always thinking about its’ relevance and impact on our day to day lives…
Perhaps, you or someone you know is really struggling with this question about hope…in light of and in the darkness of personal grief and struggles…or as one considers the seemingly never-ending news cycles reporting disasters, and divisions, and violence happening all around us…where is the hope in all of this?
It’s an important question for all of us to consider: When you wake up in the morning, and when you lay your head down to rest at the end of the day - what gives you hope? Take a moment now to ponder that…
The scriptures are full of examples that teach us about hope…In the stories, we have heard from the bible throughout the years, there are people who have endured loss after loss, heart-break after heart-break, starvation, illness, disease, violence, persecution, and oppression that never seems to end…
We as the listeners, have probably struggled often, with trying to make sense of a lot of the stories we listen to and read in the scriptures…and shake our heads and wonder…where’s the good news in this story? Where is the hope in all of this…
Yet, right in the midst of all of these troubling and uncertain stories, we have seen signs of hope, where God walks with us, and when God has acted, time and time again, to instill hope in the hearts, and reignite the hopes in the hearts and minds of the people...
We have seen where the love of God has been poured out upon those who have cried out for mercy and grace….
We have seen how those, like the psalmist today, who have looked to God for their protection and refuge, have affirmed that it is God who upholds their lot, and allows their bodies to “rest in hope”, it is God who will indeed show them the path of life when they see no way before them, and it is God whose presence among them, in those moments of doubt, that they can hold on with unwavering hope in God’s promise of the fullness of joy, in Him.
We have seen how the love of God, in our own lives, has empowered us…to bring healing and hope for ourselves, and to those among us…YES…we can embrace and ever hold fast to the blessed hope of everlasting life …for God has shown us, in so many ways, throughout our lives…that she is faithful…they are trustworthy…God is with us, always….in all of our endings…and in all of our beginnings…
Yet, there are many among us today…who have not heard these hopeful stories nor have experienced these same types of hope-affirming experiences in their own lives, and whose lives could be transformed in the hearing and sharing of these good news stories about holding fast to this Hope…or perhaps they just need some reminders, as we do at times, that this HOPE is for them too…
One tenet of hope that stands out for me, in the scriptures…and in my own life experiences….is that hope is not an instant thing which is a one-time experience that sends us on our way, with a clear vision of what’s to come….never having to worry about anything, in future days…never having to hope for anything again, it doesn’t just happen because we say we hope for something….it doesn’t just encourage us to hope, all on its own….just by thinking about it…
Sure, one act of love and kindness can give a person hope, and restore hope in one’s life, once again… it can be a life-changing, transformative moment, when one life touches another….but it takes more than one time with the scriptures, it takes more than one time, to sit down with one another to affirm our hopes, and to keep the hope alive in our hearts and in our lives…
Life is hard…there will be hard days, there will be days when endings and death and loss make it so difficult and seemingly impossible to reconcile with what we hope, “hope” means…
It takes a lifetime, a way of life ...throughout all the seasons of our lives, to practice this kind of hope that is rooted in the love of God, revealed to us, in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ…
It takes a way of life, throughout all the seasons of our lives, to practice this kind of hope, committed to spending time with the scriptures, becoming familiar with the stories of God’s love for his people…and the promise of hope fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ…who lived among us, to show us the way of living in hope…and to give thanks, too, for those people in our lifetimes…who have reminded us so vividly what it can look like to embrace and hold fast to the blessed hope of everlasting life…
It takes a way of life, throughout all the seasons of our lives, to practice this kind of hope, committed to and rooted in relationship and community building that encourages one another to seek and strive to walk the way of love with God, one another, and all of creation
IN our opening collect today, we prayed:
Blessed Lord, who caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning: Grant us so to hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life, which you have given us in our Savior Jesus Christ….
These scriptures, are the living Word of God…and by the gift and inspiration of the Holy Spirit given to us, they have the power to comfort us, sustain us, inspire hope in us, and equip us for the often difficult times we will endure throughout our lifetimes…and they can help us as we navigate the many mysteries, and the many unanswered questions, that rest heavily on our hearts…and to help us turn again and again to the God, who walks with us always…and to hold fast to that Hope…the hope that endures forever…when the rest of our world seems to tumbling down all around us…
The scriptures are meant to inspire and inform our lives, guiding us and leading us in ways to provoke one another to love and good deeds…They are meant to remind us of the importance of meeting together regularly…to worship with one another, pray with one another, encourage one another, create a community, rooted in compassion and hope, for one another, not only with our lips, but in our lives….
There are no shortcuts to hope…it really does matter…that we gather together, with one another…to provoke one another to love and care for one another...it really does matter, that we make time to meet together, to encourage one another, support one another, and help one another to hold fast to hope, without wavering…
Hope is built in community, where the love of Christ unites us…Hope grows and thrives where compassion and forgiveness, kindness and generosity unite us to one another.
And in this community, we learn what it means to continue to hope, even when we hear of wars and rumors of wars, even when we hear of destruction, division, turmoil, violence, disasters…even when all the signs of endings are all around us…even when all the signs would lead us to give up hope…in the goodness of God, and in the people around us, who disappoint us, betray us, and cause us to question whether there are any compassionate and generous people around us anymore…
Vestry member Lisa Moore shared an experience she and some of her fellow travelers had recently with having their favorite items stolen, and how it angered her to think that this person or persons had no compassion at all. She could have given into the despair of this experience, this disregard for their personal belongings, but instead, she was able to think about those who helped her in the aftermath of discovering their belongings had been stolen, and with the wise words of the 15 year-old who was with her, who reminded her to focus on the fact that most people are compassionate and kind…she was able to re-direct her focus on a compassionate response by praying forgiveness for this person…And looking back at the whole story, the whole experience…she wrote: “This experience will certainly strengthen my resolve to show compassion and generosity to others who have unexpected, difficult situations.”
An experience like this could easily have led someone astray, from wanting to respond with any compassion or kindness…it could have easily led someone to give up in despair…
Jesus warns the disciples and us in today’s gospel reading of how easily this could happen…
Jesus said to Peter, James, John and Andrew in our gospel reading today:
“beware, that no one leads you astray.”
There will be many people who will try to steer you away from hope…they will convince you that these wars, this violence, these disasters…are all signs that the end is near…they will instill fear and distrust and despair in your hearts…
But, Jesus goes on to re-orient us to the HOPE that endures… even when “nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; even when there will be earthquakes in various places and famines.
This, he says, is but the beginning of the birth pangs.
This is but the beginning of a new life to come…a new hope…a new understanding of what it means to embrace and hold fast to the blessed hope of everlasting life, which has been given to us, in our Savior Jesus Christ
When we seek and strive to walk in love with God and one another, and all of creation…Hope…holding fast to this hope that endures forever will transform us and our communities to be a place where HOPE is always being renewed, where HOPE, compassion, forgiveness, generosity and kindness is the dominant story of our lives together, where HOPE grows and thrives, for the well-being of all, so that one day we will join our voices together in a spirit-filled song of HOPE as the psalmist proclaims today: My heart, therefore, is glad, and my spirit rejoices; my body also shall rest in hope.
In closing from a short hymn of praise:
Sing and rejoice. Sing and rejoice.
Let all things living now sing and rejoice.
*Closing Prayer/Hymn: Hymn of Praise: Sing and rejoice - Enriching Our Music, #103
Rev Julie Platson, Rector
St Peter’s by the Sea Episcopal Church
Sitka, AK