6 Pentecost/Year C
July 17, 2022
Genesis 18:1-10a; Psalm 15; Luke 10:38-42
Opening prayer: (Hymn 508 – vs 1)
Breathe on me, Breath of God,
fill me with life anew,
that I may love what thou dost love,
and do what thou wouldst do. Amen
Our gospel reading for today is another familiar one to most of us…the summer lectionary seems to fit right in with the other familiar highlights of the summer season…vacations, summer camps, a time to slow down a bit, change gears and travel…especially travel….and for Sitka…a season for welcoming lots of visitors and guests…who have often travelled long distances to come and see and learn about our way of life here…
So, even though, some are enjoying a little bit more quiet, relaxation, and change of pace for the summer…there are many who are busy behind the scenes...making sure everything is ready to welcome the visitors into our midst…here in the church, in our homes, or in our community…and there are many who are busy welcoming our visitors, right on the scene…and pulling out all the stops to be sure the visitors and guests are treated with the upmost hospitality and welcome…
We all know how stressful preparing for visitors and guests can be…
We know, like Martha in the gospel reading today…that it’s not too difficult to become worried and distracted by many things…especially these days….
I thought a lot about this on my recent trip to Baltimore, for the 80th General Convention of the Episcopal Church…
I thought about all those who are steeped in the business of hospitality and welcoming others…
I thought about all the work that went into planning and changing and re-vising the plans for all to gather safely in Baltimore for the general convention….I thought about all the Episcopal Church staff and volunteers; and the convention center staff, who welcomed us…over a thousand of us, with open arms, and patience, every day we gathered together to discuss and discern and take care of the business of the church that needed to be completed in those four days….
I thought about the airline industry and other modes of transportation that were available to us…I thought about all those who work in the hotels we stayed at…those in the restaurants and coffee shops…those who welcomed us and shared their knowledge with us at the aquariums, the museums, and the other places that have made the city of Baltimore, a home to many…for generations…I thought about those who had family members waiting for them to return home from work…I thought about those who live alone…
And as I thought about these things, and how grateful I am for all of this…I needed to step back a moment…to ask myself – how hospitable and welcoming was I with those who were giving of themselves…so I could be fully welcomed and receive the fruits of their labors, for my comfort and my nourishment and my enjoyment?
Was I distracted by many worries and anxieties…focused on my needs only…trying to hurry things along…so I could get on to the next thing…was I distracted with judgment of how they were doing or not doing their job? Was I getting irritated by things, that were out of my control, or never mine to control in the first place?
Indeed, I was, at times…and I recognize in myself…that it all comes down to trying to short-change my time of sitting at the feet of Jesus, in devotion and prayer…and in a time of “Holy listening”…as Jesus and Mary modeled for us, in today’s gospel reading…An example to us, that reminds us of our need to return to a time of prayer, and quiet with God…often and regularly…to enable us, strengthen us, guide us, and equip us…to love, serve and welcome one another…as Jesus has loved, served and welcomed us…
If we don’t take this time to stop, be still, and pray…we are sometimes acting and reacting to all that happens in our lives…from a place of emptiness, a place with no purpose or direction….a place of no self-care, a place where love of our neighbors, respect for the dignity of every human being, and gratitude for the toil and work and hospitality of our neighbors, near and far…is not rooted in our hearts and our minds by the love of God, made known to us through Jesus, and by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
In today’s gospel reading…some get tripped up with today’s story about Martha and Mary, thinking that it’s about making a choice of right or wrong, or Mary or Martha, and who we should follow…
Maybe Jesus is suggesting, in today’s reading…that it’s really not one or the other…but both… the need to focus on Him, serving and welcoming him, as we sit at his feet, and learn from him…And a need to focus on Him as we serve and welcome others, in the actions and tasks we are called to…
No matter what we do…we can strive to put aside all the distractions and worries and focus on the need of only one thing…to focus first on Jesus…the better part…focus first on Loving Jesus, welcoming Jesus, serving Jesus….Seek and serve Christ in all persons, as one of our baptismal vows calls us to do…
In the people we meet each day… whether in Sitka, Seattle, London, Italy, Baltimore, and in all the places each of us will welcome travelers or travel ourselves in the days ahead…let us strive to be a people whose radical welcome and hospitality towards others, is rooted in the love of God, made known to us through our “Holy listening” time with Jesus, and by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit…
Perhaps, that’s where healing and reconciliation for the entire human family and all of creation can begin…when we make room for “Holy Listening” with God, and one another…
Let us pray/music: (Hymn 508 – vs 1)
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Ann Arbor - recording of full hymn
Breathe on me, Breath of God,
fill me with life anew,
that I may love what thou dost love,
and do what thou wouldst do.
Rev Julie Platson
St Peter’s by the Sea Episcopal Church
Sitka, Alaska