Signs of God’s glory, light and love are all around us…

2 Epiphany/Year C/January 16, 2022

Isaiah 62:1-5; Psalm 36:5-10; 1 Corinthians 12:1-11; John 2:1-11


Signs of God’s glory, light and love are all around us…

When was the last time, you really thought about that…and believed it…with your whole heart, body, mind and spirit…

Signs of God’s glory, light and love are all around us…

In these sometimes, dark and difficult days we’ve journeyed through together these past couple of years of the pandemic…and as we begin a new year, with a fresh surge of the covid virus, when was the last time, you looked up, and all around you, with the hope of catching a sign of God’s glory, light and love all around us…

Today’s scripture readings, on this 2nd Sunday after the Epiphany…call our attention to being aware of these signs and looking for these signs…and seeing the light of God, revealed in Jesus, and brought to life in our relationships with God, with one another, and with all of creation…

Last week, on the 1st Sunday after Epiphany, Jesus was revealed in his baptism, as God’s beloved Son, and anointed by the Holy Spirit…and we were reminded that by our own baptisms, by water and anointing of the Holy Spirit, we too are called beloved children of God, and anointed by the Holy spirit to share in this way of life, with Jesus, the light of the world.

This week, we get another glimpse of who Jesus is, in the story about the wedding at Cana. And similar to last week’s setting with a crowd gathered at the Jordan River, this revelation happened in the midst of a community gathered again, only this time…for a wedding.

I think that’s an important piece to consider of how it is that we come to see signs of God’s glory, light and love all around us. 

Signs of God’s glory are revealed to us, when a community is gathered, with Jesus at the center, with Jesus as the light that opens our eyes, and our hearts to see the belovedness in ourselves, and one another. And I believe that the Holy Spirit is brought alive in us, when we recognize that in ourselves and in each other.

Think about all that happened in the wedding scene at Cana today.

There was Jesus, there was his mother, there were the servants, the chief steward. Each one helped each other take the next step, to ensure the guests, all those gathered to celebrate a marriage…were filled with joy…

And as many of us know, who have planned a wedding or recalls being in the midst of the celebration itself…it takes everyone, to ensure that it is a grand celebration…it takes all ears, and eyes and bodies to be on the lookout, for one another’s well-being…and enjoyment of the festivities for everyone gathered.

We all have a role in this shared life together…to be on the lookout for signs of God’s glory, light and love all around us…some days we are the ones helping others see the hope and the light and the love all around us…and on other days…someone else may be shining the light for you in your dark and sad moments…

Each one of us, as our reading from 1st Corinthians reminds us, has a gift to share in all of this… Think for a moment of those people in your life who have helped you see your belovedness… Have given you the courage to take the next step…Think for a moment of those YOU have helped along the way…ones you have helped to see their own belovedness and gifts they have been given, to share in this world…

Our lives together, are enriched and brighter beyond measure…when we all seek to be aware of the signs of God’s glory, light and love and seek to share it, through the gifts given to us, gifts meant to be shared with everyone we meet!


Rev Julie Platson

St Peter’s by the Sea Episcopal Church

Sitka, AK


Hymn after sermon: H538 – God of mercy, God of Grace

(vocalist: Ali Hosford)


God of mercy, God of grace,

show the brightness of thy face.

Shine upon us, Savior, shine,

fill thy Church with light divine,

and thy saving health extend

unto earth’s remotest end.


Let thy people praise thee, Lord;

be by all that live adored.

Let the nations shout and sing

glory to their Savior King;

let all be, below, above,

one in joy, and light, and love.