Annual meeting day reflection: Slow and steady…we will get through this pandemic, together…

Annual Meeting day

Jan 31 2021

Rev Julie Platson/sermon/annual meeting report


Typically, I would use this time to reflect and share a response on the Gospel reading for today…

But today, is annual meeting day, and I would like to be mindful of people’s time of gathering here on zoom…and offer my official report to the congregation at this time…and use the time after the service, to listen to other reports and updates and thanksgivings, as we spend time reviewing the past year…and look forward, with gratitude…to beginning another year together…

No one here needs me to remind you of what a tough year 2020 has been, for many reasons. Here at St Peter’s, on a personal note, we lost some beloved members of St Peter’s in 2020…Ursula Zertuche, David Workman, Denise Massey and Harriet Kinberg…

And 2020, has now become 2021….and things are still tough…but every day, we inch closer and closer to emerging from this time of the covid-19 pandemic…

We must not lose sight of that…we must continue to find ways to walk forward, together, with steadfast hope in God, and with a genuine concern and love for one another…One of the latest next steps to help us get closer towards an end to this pandemic is to get the vaccine, if you are able…and encourage others to do so, if they are able…and continue to be diligent in other ways that have already been established to help prevent us and our neighbors from becoming sick with COVID 19…

As tired as most of us has become with all of the restrictions and never-ending changes related to this time of the pandemic…now is not the time for us to forge on ahead quickly and carelessly…

We are still in the midst of a worldwide pandemic…we haven’t reached the end yet….slow and steady will help us win this race….

Remember this story? The Hare and the Tortoise

tortoise and hare story.png

Slow and steady…we will get through this pandemic, together…

We need to continue, to put our hope in God, and with steadfastness and faith…knowing that every day, we wait and walk with God…we are continually being shown ways, to love and care for one another, through the experts, the scientists, the medical community, through the lives of everyday people and heroes, who are constantly teaching us new ways to respond to the needs of the people, all around us….

Slow and steady…we will get through this pandemic, together…

We have much to be thankful for, especially as we reflect back on this past year, and see how far we’ve come, since the pandemic first began……. The psalmist declares it best today - Hallelujah! I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart!

click below for video review of 2020

Review of 2020 – St Peter’s by the Sea Episcopal Church