A Word of thanks and gratitude as the year ends

"United with Christ in the Interest of Others”
“Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others. Philippians: 2:4

On this eve of one year ending, and a new year set to begin...

I want to offer my heartfelt gratitude for each one of you....

This past year has been a difficult one, yet every one of you has contributed in a variety of ways to love and encourage and support one another and those entrusted to your care in the community...you've been mindful of one another's needs, for the well-being of all God's beloved....

You have been generous in the ways you have continued to invest in the way of love, by supporting the mission and ministries associated with St Peter's by the Sea this past year...

Thank you! Thank you for being a beacon of light and hope, in the midst of this difficult year...

Thank you for sharing your gifts to ensure that the love of God, as it has been revealed to us in the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ... is the guiding light of all that we do, in our families, and in the wider community and world...

Thank you, for walking with me, this past year...

I look forward to walking with you again in 2021!

I look forward, with abiding hope, to be amazed once again, by the variety of ways, God will be at work in you, and in your life..using you, and your gifts this coming year, as a beacon of hope, and light, and love, and peace and joy to share with the world!

Peace, Love, and gratitude.....Rev Julie

What gift can we bring, what present, what token? What words can convey it, the joy of this day? When grateful we come, remembering, rejoicing, what song can we offer in honor and praise? (Voices found hymnal #118)

What gift can we bring?


Invest in the way of love
