Advent Giving Opportunity

Advent Giving Box

Join us in a fun way to give to others in need this holiday season

Participating is as easy as 1, 2, 3

1. Find a box or bag to contain your donated items.

2. For each day of Advent, ADD one non-perishable food item or toiletry item into your box/bag.

3. Bring your filled box/bag to the service on December 23rd or

arrange drop off for another date/time at your convenience.

Some ideas for your Advent Giving Box:

peanut butter


canned soups



feminine products




toilet paper

canned vegetables

diapers/baby wipes

Donations will be brought to the local Salvation Army and SAFV Shelter to help people in need this winter.

Happy Giving!!

“It’s not how much we give, but how much love we put into giving.”

-Mother Teresa