To renew and strengthen our call as the church to be an

“Outpost of Hope” in our community.


Glory to God whose power working in us can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine: Glory to God from generation to generation in the Church, and in Christ Jesus for ever and ever.  Ephesians 3:20, 21

November 5, 2023

Dear friends…

It is always with a heart full of gratitude for every one of you that I begin this letter every year.

This year, especially, I give thanks for your ongoing faithfulness to working together, worshipping together, praying together, supporting one another and the people entrusted to our care in the church and in the community. Your generosity this past year with your time, sharing your spiritual gifts, and your financial offerings has enabled St Peter’s to provide a sacred place for all to gather, be anchored in the beauty of God’s love, and sent forth to walk in the way of love in our communities…

As with any type of organization, we at St Peter’s need to take time to review our financial status from the past year and put together a new budget that will be presented at the annual meeting in January 2024.

In the next few weeks, to help us all understand more about the financial costs associated with St Peter’s budget, various members of the vestry and leadership team will be reviewing some of the line items and information that is included in our yearly budget and financial reports with all of you, through written communications and opportunities to ask questions while gathered on Sundays for church.

Our finances are one part of our planning for this next year. And your financial pledges, in thanksgiving to God, for the work and ministries of the church are important so that together, we can renew and strengthen our call as the church to be an “Outpost of Hope” in our community.

In the next several weeks, you will also hear more about this call to the church to be an “Outpost of Hope” in our communities, that was introduced in Bishop Mark’s address to the Diocesan Convention this September.

Thank you for your pledge to support the mission and ministries that will help renew and strengthen our call as the church to be an “Outpost of Hope” in our community.

The Rev Julie Platson, Rector, the 2023 Vestry members: Mim McConnell, Mandy Evans,

 Loyd Platson, Sara Bergendahl, Lisa Moore (Clerk), Chip Camden.

Treasurer: Sara Beaber-Fujioka; Deacons: The Rev. Kathryn Snelling & The Rev. Glenda Quintana

Nov 21 outreach ***Please note: This is the time of year that we receive lots of requests to help with holiday gift giving and year-end giving to support various non-profit and faith-based organizations...and throughout the year, I continually share outreach opportunities for you to consider making a donation to...It is up to each one of us, to discern how we are being called to support the various needs...We are not called  as individuals to contribute to EVERY need...It is WE, as a community gathered, who are called to care for one another...