July 7 2024 Sermon - Christ has no body but yours, No hands, no feet on earth but yours

7 Pentecost/Year B – July 7, 2024

Ezekiel 2:1-5; Psalm 123; Mark 6:1-13

Opening Prayer:

O Lord of light and vision, open our eyes to behold your presence, to perceive your love and to see your purpose for us; that rejoicing in your presence and strengthened by your love we may do your will and become what you have called us to be; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever. Amen


In the opening verses from our gospel reading today, we hear that the people were astounded by Jesus’ teachings in the synagogue. They were initially amazed and shocked all at once by what they were hearing and by whom they were hearing it from.

When was the last time you were astounded by something? I mean…really amazed and shocked by something so unbelievably wonderful… Something too good to be true? In a time when the world is feeling very heavy for so many people, I have a feeling that quite a few of us gathered here might have to think on that question for a minute.

Oftentimes, despair creeps up on us and threatens to crush our spirits, and dulls our receptivity of anything amazing and wonderful. And often times, it seems the more knowledge we acquire, and the more experiences we have in life…. the amazing and wonder factor in our spirits can often be dimmed…we tend to default on the side of not being “wowed or shocked” by anything anymore.

Children, on the other hand…seem to be the experts at being amazed, especially toddlers. I think about the non-stop energy they have, and how often they jump from one activity to the next, never tiring of the discovery of something new.

And they don’t seem to be satisfied with just one or two amazing things…they want more…and they will keep looking, keep searching, until their eyes can no longer stay open.

Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.(Matthew 18:3)

As disciples and followers of Christ…what lessons could we learn again, by “becoming like children?”

Perhaps, we begin with allowing ourselves to be amazed and astounded…and not “think” ourselves out of it. Adopt some spiritual practices that help us find peace and comfort in the midst of your sorrows or despair. Make room in our hearts to be amazed and be astounded by the Good News shared by Jesus…allow the amazement to lead us to more questions that will lead us to new discoveries….

In the well-known Sunday school curriculum called Godly play... it is suggested to begin a reflection on the scriptures starting with these words: “I wonder”…

In our gospel reading…the disciples were initially amazed by what Jesus was saying, but then they started to question their own response with the explanation that Jesus was “just a carpenter, the son of Mary and brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon…and they took offense at him.

“I wonder” about the disciples’ secondary response had they followed their initial response to Jesus’ words …and allowed their amazement to lead them to consider something new…and acted on that hope... instead of defaulting back to what they already knew…and shut it down as not possible..

“I wonder” if we can open up our minds a little more – to allow ourselves to believe in something new – every day…just as little children are eager and open to all the new experiences in their daily lives…

Perhaps we can learn to pray in a way that we really do believe God hears our prayers, even when things don’t seem to go the way we want them to…maybe we open up our minds a little more to understand that oftentimes, there is so much good that can come out of our times of weakness and suffering…

“I wonder” if we can open up our hearts a little more to allow ourselves to consider just how wide God’s love is for all people, and trust as little children trust in the unconditional love of the people who care for them every day…

“I wonder” if we can imagine opening up our hearts a little wider to love others, as Jesus has loved us and shown us…

And as I imagine this radical and amazing kind of love…I imagine the kind of love that jars us out of our sleepiness, and out of the daily routine of life that dulls our senses, and closes our hearts and minds to the daily miracles and amazing things happening all around us…

I imagine this radical and amazing kind of love that can help us hear God’s Word, and be transformed by it…and to be inspired to go where God is calling us to go to love and serve one another, rejoicing in the power of the One who sends us out…Jesus.

Jesus tells us…you don’t need anything else…no bread, no bag, no money…just go…you have what you need to plant the seeds of love in every heart of every person you meet along the way. Even when those seem to turn you away, you have done as Jesus has asked…you have reached out to the people with love…you may be the one person that day who touches a person’s life that moves them from despair to hope…

Jesus has the power to do amazing things in this world. But he needs our hands, our feet, our hearts, our God-given gifts to go out into the world to share this amazing love of God with the world…

Go to the ones that are hungry, go to the ones that are lonely, go to the ones that are hurting, go to the ones who are not often seen or acknowledged, go to the ones whom we disagree with, go to the ones who need to hear the good news! (That would be all of us!)

Teresa of Avila (1515–1582) gives us some beautiful words to remind us that it is through our hands and feet and hearts now that the amazing and wondrous love of God made known to us in Jesus, can help us heal and transform the world, to be a place of welcome and belonging for all God’s people.

Christ has no body but yours,

No hands, no feet on earth but yours,

Yours are the eyes with which he looks

Compassion on this world,

Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good,

Yours are the hands, with which he blesses all the world.

Yours are the hands, yours are the feet,

Yours are the eyes, you are his body.

Christ has no body now but yours,

No hands, no feet on earth but yours,

Yours are the eyes with which he looks

compassion on this world.

Christ has no body now on earth but yours.


Rev Julie Platson

St Peter’s by the Sea Episcopal Church

Closing Prayer/Hymn: Love astounding (VF 143)

1        Love astounding, love confounding

          limits fearful minds impose.

          love renewing, love pursuing

          every heart until it knows

          love’s transforming, healing goodness,

          love’s abiding, gentle grace,

          love’s endurance, love’s assurance,

          love’s consoling, strong embrace.


2        Love receiving, love believing,

          we rejoice with thanks and song,

          faith regaining, hope proclaiming;

          love has taught us, we belong

          safe within love’s tender keeping,

          safe from fear’s persistent call.

          Love defending, love unending,

          love of God enfolding all.


When in our music God is glorified - Sunday reflection

4 Pentecost Year B/6/16/24

Ezekiel 17:22-24; Psalm 92:1-4, 11-14; 2 Corinthians 5:6-17; Mark 4:26-34


Opening Prayer: For Church Musicians and Artists

O God, whom saints and angels delight to worship in heaven: Be ever present with your servants who seek through art and music to perfect the praises offered by your people on earth; and grant to them even now glimpses of your beauty, and make them worthy at length to behold it unveiled for evermore; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The psalm we heard today, psalm 92, often has a sub-title under the heading in the bible versions – The sub-title reads:  A psalm. A Song for the Sabbath Day. According to a commentary that I reviewed this week, this psalm, is the only one that specifically makes reference to the Sabbath Day. So, it is a good and joyful occasion that we read this psalm today.

This psalm: This song for the Sabbath day, is full of words proclaiming boldly: thanksgiving, praise, loving-kindness, faithfulness, music, joy, gladness, righteousness, growth, steadfastness…..it reminds us of the abundant fruits of the Spirit, the fruits of God’s Kingdom, as they have been described in Paul’s letter to the Galatians 5:22-23 as: “Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.”

The Sabbath Day is set aside to celebrate and proclaim the abundant fruits of God’s kingdom - His work, and his creation! We do this as we join together on Sundays as a community of God’s beloved, to “remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy” (Exodus 20:8). We do this with our liturgy, the work of the people, by coming together to pray, praise and give thanks for the goodness of God.

And one of the most wonderful ways we glorify and give thanks to God, is in our music.

St Peter’s has a rich history of glorifying God with its music. We have been blessed beyond measure by those who have shared their musical talents with the people who have gathered here, over the years…those who have played the organ, piano, violin, and other instruments…and those who have sung their hearts out…they have truly used the gifts God has given them, to uplift all of us, to rejoice, to renew our lives, and to give thanks to God, for his Son, Jesus Christ.

I am very grateful to St Peter’s choir for all the ways they are helping to keep the music alive in this time together. They’ve had to adjust how they go about leading us all in the service music without a full time organist/pianist to guide them. And I think back to our time of covid, too…when they got together to record hymns to use for our weekly online services when we were unable to worship in person.

The music in our Sunday services and in our daily lives has a way of encouraging us to walk by faith, not by sight. Music has a way of uniting us in understanding, beyond the barriers of language, or culture. Music has a way of calling us up and out of the depths of grief and suffering. Music has a way of creating something new…when we don’t quite see the way, yet. It calms, it comforts, it encourages and uplifts us, into new life.  And so it is with Jesus Christ: For if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see everything has become new! 

It is often in our music, that we can see God at his best, in the ways in which music can create in us, new life. As we reflect on the different styles of music over the years, the new creations never cease. If you had the chance to attend the Sitka Summer Music festival this past week/weekend, you would understand what I mean about new creations in music. The Simply Three Trio was described in the program as (Classically Trained. Pop Influenced. String Driven). The piano player, Matt Herskowitz this weekend, breathed new life into some Chopin pieces, with jazz arrangements. Most likely a new creation beyond anything that Chopin would have imagined in his day.

As I looked around the room, while enjoying the concert, just about everyone there had a smile on their face. The energy was so uplifting, and you couldn’t help but be moved in some way.

If you ever check out any of the music programs offered through the Sitka Fine Arts Camp and throughout the year in our schools, you can see signs of new life and new creations in all the music lifted up for us to enjoy.

The different ways in which music is shared and enjoyed, seems to be ongoing… there always seems to be the creating of a new masterpiece, in the works. That’s what God’s kingdom is like. He is always creating, renewing and providing for us, all that we ever need.  New seeds are scattered every day by us. He uses us to tend to his kingdom, to take care of each other, and to allow his work of creating new life, in us…to come to fruition…

But then, he says to us, after many days of working and creating… I’ve done all of this for you…sit for a moment….be still…be quiet…take a look, listen, enjoy…

 2 And on the seventh day God finished the work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all the work that he had done. So God blessed the seventh day and hallowed it, because on it God rested from all the work that he had done in creation. (Genesis 2:2-3)

“Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy” (Exodus 20:8).

For it is a good thing to give thanks to the Lord, and to sing praises to His Name….Psalm 92:1



Closing Hymn/Prayer: When in our music God is glorified

My Heart Sings Out, #140 – vs 1,2,5

Music: Mayflower, Marty Haugen (b. 1950


1        When in our music God is glorified,

          and adoration leaves no room for pride,

          it is as though the whole creation cried:

          Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!


2        How often, making music, we have found

          a new dimension in the world of sound,

          as worship moved us to a more profound

          Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!


5        Let every instrument be tuned for praise!

          Let all rejoice who have a voice to raise!

          And may God give us faith to sing always:

          Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!




Rev. Julie Platson

St Peter’s by the Sea Episcopal Church

Sitka, Alaska

All are welcome

3 Pentecost: Proper 5/Year B/June 9, 2024

Genesis 3:8-15; Psalm 130; 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1; Mark 3:20-35


Opening Prayer: (A NZ Prayer Book)

Almighty and everloving God, your Son Jesus Christ shared at Nazareth the life of an earthly home; grant that we and all your children may live together in peace and joy, until we come to that eternal home which you have prepared for those that love you, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

In this time of graduation ceremonies winding down,  and with the recent deaths of 2 long time St Peter’s family members, I’ve been thinking a lot about family this week…not my immediate family only...but other families I come in contact with… families that I hear about in the community… families I am still getting to know here at church…families with young children or grown children, families that I haven’t met personally, but have heard their stories…families who have been struggling with chronic health issues, aging parents, or the recent death of a loved one…

What I noticed was everyone has some good memories, everyone has stories of trials and triumph, everyone has stories of heartbreak and despair, everyone has stories that bring smiles to their faces, and tears to their eyes, and just about everyone I’ve had the pleasure of listening to, has a story about someone, who was not from their immediate family, who inspired them, encouraged them, and left a heart-print on their life…someone who welcomed them into their heart, into their life and into their “family” circle….someone who helped them to know that they mattered, they were loved, and they belonged..

I remember attending High School graduation ceremonies of my own children and other youth in recent years and listening to the keynote speakers, adults and youth, who often spoke about being encouraged by many, not just their immediate family members, but their grandparents, their teachers, their coaches, their friends, their church community….

And as I looked all around at the variety of families and the seniors sitting up front waiting to graduate…I wondered what their story was, too…Could they agree with the speakers that there are people who care about them; are there people in their lives who encourage them?

Are there people in their lives who gave them second and third chances when they made mistakes? Are there people in their lives who have forgiven them, and loved them, unconditionally? Was there someone who told them, you are important, you matter?

In God’s family…we let one another know that they are loved, that they matter, that they belong…not just in word…but through our everyday actions and interactions with one another…

This is one thing Jesus highlights in today’s closing verses from the gospel reading…While Jesus was gathered with a crowd of people, he was told that outside his mother, his brothers and sisters were asking for him. He replied to them, “Who are my mother and my brothers? And looking at those who sat around him, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers! Whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother”.

Jesus is not turning away from his own mother or brothers and sisters, he just might be suggesting that the meaning of family is expanded and widened, and opened radically, when we all work together to do the will of God, through loving one another, as we have been loved…welcoming one another as we have been welcomed with open arms and experienced the joy in a place of belonging…

It’s not just about me, my family, my mother, my father...it’s about God’s family…it’s about welcoming every person as family…a family who strives to love one another, encourage one another, and forgive one another…

It’s about striving to make “LOVE the main thing” in our lives… as I quoted Nancy Rickett’s in her funeral service this weekend and watching it grow and expand over the years…and watching it grow and widen our definition of who family is… 

There are too many children of all ages growing up in this world today, who don’t feel like they belong, who live in households where drugs and alcohol are present, physical and verbal abuse is a daily occurrence, growing up in war zones, food is scarce, love is not spoken in their home…It should grieve us immensely to imagine that children of any age, and their families are struggling in so many ways.

Our church families struggle at times, also, to love one another, in the way that Jesus has shown us. We have hurt others with our words and our actions, and others have hurt us, in a similar way. Being a family…is messy and sometimes very difficult. But, as we pray from the depths of our hearts, our prayers for forgiveness and healing are always heard by our Lord, and he opens a new way for us to move forward in hope and with new direction and guidance, in doing the will of God.

Jesus came to live among us to call our attention to something new...he came to break open all our ideas about what family is…He came to show us what real forgiveness looks like…He came to show us that healing is possible…He came to show us what love is and how love acts…

He came to show us, what family can really be about…when we all strive to the do the will of God… through loving one another, as we have been loved, by welcoming one another into the wide embrace of God’s love and care…and by continually striving for justice and peace among all people, and to respect the dignity and worth of every human being…so that one day…everyone will have a story to share of someone who helped them to know that they mattered, that they were loved, and that they have an opportunity to experience the joy in a place of belonging, too…

My prayer today is that all of us, sitting here, will open up our hearts and minds a little wider this day…and dare to imagine a world, where we are all united in love as siblings in Christ, and where all know they are welcomed into the loving embrace of God’s family…


Closing Prayer/Hymn (#292/Bind Us Together/RENEW!)

Bind us together, Lord, bind us together with cords that cannot be broken. Bind us together, Lord, bind us together, bind us together in love. There is only one God, there is only one King; there is only one body, that is why we sing:  Bind us together, Lord, bind us together with cords that cannot be broken. Bind us together, Lord, bind us together, bind us together in love. Amen



Rev Julie Platson, Rector

St Peter’s by the Sea Episcopal Church, Sitka, AK

Sabbath rest and healing - June 2 sermon

2 Pentecost: Proper 4/Year B/June 2, 2024

Deuteronomy 5:12-15; Psalm 81:1-10; 2 Corinthians 4:5-12; Mark 2:23-3:6


I invite you to settle into a moment of sabbath rest and silence as I begin with this prayer…

Opening Prayer: For Quiet Confidence (BCP 832)

O God of peace, who has taught us that in returning and rest we shall be saved, in quietness and confidence shall be our strength: By the might of your Spirit lift us, we pray you to your presence, where we may be still and know that you are God; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Pause for time of silence…


How hard was that for you? How awkward did it feel? Was your mind still racing and working overtime as we sat in silence? Were you getting anxious for me to end this time of silence? Or did you welcome this moment of quiet? Did you allow your mind to cease from its’ worry for just a short while? Did you feel your body slowly relaxing or not?

It has become harder and harder for folks in our face-paced, information overload, consumer driven society, to truly embrace the Sabbath that God has commanded of us. If we allow ourselves to get caught up in it all, it never ends…we have everything at our disposal 24 hours a day: keeping up with the national news, shopping online or in person, the ability to keep up with work no matter where we are…the ability to search for all kinds of answers and information that we think is important for us to know or be in the know about because they are just a fingertip swipe across our iPhone screens or on our computers…

You know what else never ends…if we continue to be “on” 24 hours a day? The worries, the fears, the anxiety of never having enough, the growing sense of hopelessness because of all that is happening around the world, and in our own neighborhoods, the oppression of others, the continuance of systems that perpetually separate us from one another, and exploit people’s lives, and allows no time of rest or healing for all of God’s people…

In today’s gospel, Jesus makes it clear what keeping the Sabbath is about…it’s about setting aside time for rest and healing for all God’s people…not just a select few…it’s about taking time to focus on what truly matters in this life…attending to our relationships with God, one another, and all of creation.

We can’t do that if we are continually fixing our attention on all the 24 hour temptations and distractions that seek to separate us, instead of unite us to one another…we can’t do that until we can make it a regular practice in our own lives to get off the 24 hour runaway train…to be still and know that God is God, and we are not…so that in returning and rest we all shall be saved…and in quietness and confidence, we can remember where the strength to heal our relationships with one another in the world comes from…the God of love and light made known to us in the face of Jesus Christ, and through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit who invites us to settle in to those moments of sabbath rest…true rest for our restless hearts…

So, that rested, grounded in the love and light and hope and peace of God…we can go out into the world to love one another in such a way that allows for others to have that same pleasure of rest and healing…all for the sake of God’s love and abundant joy that is intended for all God’s people…

As we move into a new season of the church year and summer season, I invite you to think about how you might go about being more intentional about keeping the sabbath…as one whole day…or as small sabbath moments throughout the week…

Maybe that looks like taking a leisurely stroll somewhere, or relaxing and watching some favorite old movies, or picking up a book to read and dozing between chapters…Maybe it means enjoying an afternoon or evening music concert…Maybe it means you turn off all electronics for a time…or making a decision not to buy anything…

Maybe it looks like setting aside time to focus on one simple prayer, using the one I opened up my sermon with today, maybe it’s other prayers in our book of common prayer that invite us to pray for those who work while we sleep, to pray for children and families growing up in uncertain times, to pray for those struggling with addiction, to pray for those whose increasing years bring them weakness, distress, or isolation; maybe your sabbath times will be through your experiences of worship this summer, as we alternate between quiet services and services with music…as we incorporate more intentional times of silence in the midst of our various worship services…maybe you will join with others on Mondays @ 11am in the See House….practicing reading and praying the Sunday gospels, in a slow, reflective way…maybe you will try out the short noonday prayer service held on zoom every Wednesday…or maybe you will join others on the Scripture Walks through Totem Park on the 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of the month…

This summer, I encourage you to explore and seek ways, new ways perhaps, that will enable you to enter into the sabbath rest and healing of God… So, that rested, grounded in the love and light and hope and peace of God…you can go out into the world to love one another in such a way that allows for others to have that same pleasure of rest and healing…all for the sake of God’s love and abundant joy that is intended for all God’s people…



Closing Prayer/Hymn: Still, still with thee (vs 1-3)

Voices Found, #30


1        Still, still with thee, when purple morning breaketh,

          when the bird waketh, and the shadows flee;

          fairer than morning, lovelier than the daylight,

          dawns the sweet consciousness, I am with thee.


2        Alone with thee, amid the mystic shadows,

          the solemn hush of nature newly born;

          alone with thee in breathless adoration,

          in the calm dew and freshness of the morn.


3        When sinks the soul, subdued by toil, to slumber,

          its closing eye looks up to thee in prayer;

          sweet the repose beneath thy wings over shading,

          but sweeter still to wake and find thee there.



Rev Julie Platson, Rector

St Peter’s by the Sea Episcopal Church, Sitka,

May 26 - A reflection for Trinity Sunday

The 1st Sunday after Pentecost: Trinity Sunday/Year B/May 26, 2024

Isaiah 6:1-8; Psalm 29; John 3:1-7

Opening Prayer: (A New Zealand Prayer Book)

God of unchangeable power, you have revealed yourself to us as Father, Son and Holy Spirit; keep us firm in this faith that we may praise and bless your holy name; for you are one God now and for ever. Amen.

On the church calendar, today is marked as Trinity Sunday…the day we set aside to recognize our foundational belief and understanding of the mystery of God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit…It’s one of those Sundays, that we often try to understand something that doesn’t make logical sense, by our standards; we try to put something into words that no words could adequately describe, we try to put God and everything about God in one small and tidy space…

Problem with that is…God could never be contained in a box, or described in one short definition in a dictionary or catechism, or even one large book of scriptures….God is not one to be contained…God is one to be experienced, one to be in relationship with, one to be loved by, one to be strengthened by, one to be led by, one to be amazed by, one to be renewed by, one to be blessed by, and one to praise and glorify!

In our first reading from Isaiah today, we hear the account of Isaiah seeing God….and it is described as an amazing visual revelation…And in Isaiah’s amazement of the whole experience, he questioned what he saw…how he was unworthy of such an experience…but instead of turning away in disbelief or fear of what he just experienced, he believed that his sins had been blotted out, and then his ears were open to hear the voice of the Lord saying…. “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?”  And Isaiah answered… “Here am I; send me”.

You have to wonder what Isaiah was really thinking at this moment…

Where did this strength and courage come from to respond to what he heard…
something from somewhere deep within must have confirmed in Isaiah’s heart…I can do it….send me….I like to think that if he had allowed himself to rationalize what was happening in his mind, he probably would have missed the boat… but instead, he dared to imagine something so different, that was worth going for…

In our gospel reading today, Jesus tells Nicodemus, “Very truly, I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God without being born from above”. Nicodemus didn’t get it. How can someone be born again after growing old? How can one enter a second time into the mother’s womb and be born? Totally, makes no logical sense. Nicodemus was thinking most literally. But Jesus tries to explain it in a different way – it’s about being born of water and Spirit. It’s about being cleansed from sin and born again by the Holy Spirit and continuing forever in the risen life of Jesus...It’s about being marked as Christ’s own forever. 

Jesus tries to explain to Nicodemus that “You must be born from above”. The wind, he continues, blows where it chooses, and you hear the sound of it, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes…So, it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.

Nicodemus continues with more questions, and Jesus patiently continues to try and help him understand. It is so difficult, Jesus reminds him, that he can barely understand and believe the earthly things, never mind the heavenly things.

Perhaps Nicodemus could learn a lesson from Isaiah today. Isaiah didn’t try to figure out what was going on, he didn’t ask for all kinds of explanations, he didn’t keep pressing for more answers until he got his proof. Isaiah seemed to “born again from above”. Something blew into that room on that day, something entered his heart that day, that caused him to be born anew – inspired him to take a risk, encouraged him to go forth into the world, where God was calling him…

Think about this for a moment….as we get older, we settle into the world of having lots of knowledge, experience in life, we’ve been there, done that; we can find any answer we want to in a reference book, on the computer, Wikipedia, or on our I-pads or cell phones. Our children are growing up in a world where information and knowledge is just a swipe away on their smart-phones…

Any answer we need is available…we just have to look for it…there’s an answer for everything, we like to tell ourselves.…

But, is there really a quick easy answer to everything that comes through a click on the computer or a swipe across the I-phone screen?

Is there an answer for the mother and father who lose their only child way too early in life because of gun violence and war or by suicide? Is there a clear answer as to why families are being torn apart and separated from each other for all kinds of reasons? Is there one definitive answer just a click away to explain why so many children and families, living in our own neighborhoods, and many other places around the world, are without food and shelter?

The answers to these types of questions are not just a click away….

As people of faith, the answers to these types of questions, can only be addressed in the heart, through a loving relationship with God and one another… by listening for the voice of God, the Father and creator of all, among all the voices around us that shout out words that are often empty and meaningless;  through talking with God, the Son, as a friend, one who knows our hearts, and one who cares; and through pondering all these things by opening our hearts, allowing God, the Holy Spirit, to re-new our hearts and minds, re-new our lives, re-new our hope….transforming our life, and the lives of all around us…

It’s about being born again, from above...It’s about re-living that Pentecost moment…when the Holy Spirit was sent down upon us to transform us through the power of God’s love…and then send us out to proclaim the love of God, with our words and actions…

The Trinity is often simply described as God in three persons…God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit…but it can all be summed up in this way, too…God is love…and we are called to walk in Love with Him…with one another…and with all of creation…

God’s love is always the answer…it is always the answer that can lead us into freedom and abundant life…It’s what heals and mends broken hearts and makes our joy complete….

It’s what strengthens us and gives us courage…It’s what dares us to imagine something better for our communities and our world…It’s what brings us peace in our hearts and unity with one another….

It’s what washes over us as grace and mercy to help us begin again and again…It’s what empowers us to be love bearers, light-bringers, hope bearers to a world in desperate need of all of this…

We are surrounded and encircled by God’s love and presence…God is the beginning, the end, the everlasting One. Jesus walked among us to teach us how to embody this love in the world. The Holy Spirit was sent to us to remind us and enable us to follow in Jesus’ footsteps and to be God’s eyes and ears, heart and mind, and hands and feet, in this world now. The Holy Spirit was sent to remind us that we are surrounded and encircled by God’s love and presence today…and always…

As we move into another season of the church year, with new questions and new wonderings of how God is calling us to be the church in 2024 and in the near future, let us pray together and re-commit ourselves to embody the love of God made known to us in Jesus, in all our relationships with one another;  and let us pray fervently that our hearts will be set on fire once again to go out into the world, spreading the Good news of God’s love for the whole world and her people…so that one day, as Presiding Bishop Michael Curry often reminds us…. our world will be changed from the nightmare it sometimes is, and transformed into the dream God intended…a world created out of love, for love…love of God, love for one another, love for all of creation…

Glory to the holy and undivided Trinity, one God, as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen.

Prayer/Hymn: Santo, santo, santo [Holy, holy, holy] Wonder Love and Praise, #785

Holy, holy, holy, my heart, my heart adores you!

My heart is glad to say the words: you are holy, Lord.


Rev Julie Platson, Rector

St Peter’s by the Sea Episcopal Church, Sitka, AK

The Day of Pentecost and Baptisms sermon

The Day of Pentecost/Year B/May 19, 2024

Acts 2:1-21; Psalm 104:25-35, 37; John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15

(Today’s service included the baptism of 2 year old twins)

Opening Prayer:

Creator of speech and silence, Holy Spirit of water, fire, and wind, we give you thanks for all the languages of the earth; fill our souls and the Church with your holy flame and bless our tongues to tell the world of the love that unites us all. Amen.  (Common Prayer for Children and Families, Jennifer Gambler & Timothy J,S. Seamans)

Today we celebrate the Day of Pentecost…marking the end of the 50 day season of Easter….and marking the day we celebrate the fulfillment of Jesus’ promise to his disciples (and us) concerning the coming of the Holy Spirit…the Advocate, the Spirit of truth that would be sent to us after Jesus ascended to heaven, to guide us, lead us, comfort us, encourage us, inspire us, equip us, fill us, strengthen us, transform us, and move us to tell the world of the love that unites us all…move us to proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ (Jesus)…

You might recognize those words as one of the baptismal promises we make at the time of our own baptisms or spoken on behalf of the young children who are being presented for baptism…

It is one of several promises that the parents, godparents, and all of us gathered together as a community of faith make on behalf of the children who rely on us, the adults, to teach them the good news about God’s love for the whole world and all its people and all of creation, to teach them about who Jesus is, and how his life, death, and resurrection has changed and transformed your life and the way you strive to love one another as Jesus has so loved you, and to teach them about how the Holy Spirit, the Advocate, was sent to us, to open our eyes, and ears, and hearts and minds to see the signs and reminders of God’s love, Jesus’ love and presence in the world, everywhere we turn…. It is the gift of the Holy Spirit, the Advocate, that enables us to do that…

I’d like to share this story with you this morning…that I think gives us a good starting point to imagine and wonder aloud together, about some of the ways the Holy Spirit, the Advocate can help us get to know what God and Jesus’ love is like… and to help us see reminders of their presence in the world around us…everywhere we are…

***Read the Book: What is God like? By Rachel Held Evans and Matthew Paul Turner, illustrated by Ying Hui Tan.

May we never tire of calling upon the Holy Spirit, the Advocate, to help us tell the world of the love that unites us to one another ….Let us never tire of being an advocate of God’s love in the world around us…so that the children of all ages among us will keep seeking, searching, wondering and learning about God’s love for them and for the whole world…so that they too can go out and tell the world of the love that unites us all…and be moved to proclaim by word and example the Good News of Christ (Jesus)..in all times, and in all places, to the end of the ages…

Closing Prayer/Hymn: Jesus loves me…(VF) 163

Rev Julie Platson, Rector

St Peter’s by the Sea Episcopal Church

Sitka, Alaska

Praying for one another...

7 Easter/Year B/May 12, 2024

Acts 1:15-17, 21-26; Psalm 1; 1 John 5:9-13; John 17:6-19


Opening Prayer:

Lord Jesus Christ,

who prayed for your disciples that they might be one,

even as you are one with the Father;

draw us to yourself,

that in common love and obedience to you

we may be united to one another,

in the fellowship of the one Spirit,

that the world may believe that you are Lord,

to the glory of God the Father.  Amen.

— written by William Temple (1881-1944).


In today’s gospel reading, we hear Jesus praying to His Heavenly Father for his disciples with deep compassion and unwavering love for them, lifting them up into God’s presence and protection…as he knows the time is drawing near, that he will depart from this earthly life… Jesus’ fervent prayer and purpose could be summed up in this way today: “May they all be one”…One in Love for God, one in Love for each other, one in love for all of creation.

As we listen to this part of his prayer today, line by line, I envision the embrace of God’s love, expanding and ever-widening…with no end in sight as to how large this beloved community could become…when we are united as one…in love for God, one another, and all of creation…

This all-encompassing love, this love that has the power to unite us so that we all may be one…has been made known to us, through the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ…and by the power of the Holy Spirit…

Jesus has given us so many examples of how to love one another, serve one another, and care for another…

In today’s Gospel reading, we are given another example of how to love one another, by praying for one another, encouraging one another, lifting up one another into the embrace of God’s protection, and God’s love…with the same love and compassion and fervor that Jesus prayed for his first disciples…

In Jesus’ prayer for his disciples today…we too are invited to hear through his Words, that this prayer is for us, too…

Jesus lifts up his disciples in prayer to God…knowing that he will no longer be there with them, physically…

Jesus prays as the One who reconciles us to God and one another…

Jesus prays for his people as He faced his death upon the cross.

Jesus prays that the Father would protect his disciples in the world…He prays that God would be with us in the world…

Jesus prays that the church will show the same oneness that exists between Jesus and the Father….

Jesus prays that we experience joy, complete joy, in the midst of all that pulls us in different directions in the world in which we live…

And Jesus’ final request in the prayer today, is that his disciples will be sanctified…consecrated, set apart for something special, made holy…transformed by His love, for the work we are all being called to do…

Jesus said: “As you have sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world.”

It seems apparent through Jesus’ model of prayer we hear today, his intercessory prayer, that we are being called to do the same for one another…Just as Jesus has prayed for all of us…we are now being sent out into the world….to pray for one another…That we may all be one…

Intercessory prayer is the kind of prayer we pray when we want to bring before God the needs of others…

I don’t think that there is anyone sitting here today who does not know someone or some troubling issue that needs to be lifted up in prayer...to be transformed by the love of God and the assurance of God’s love and presence in the midst of whatever is troubling them…

I have so often heard people say, “I can’t do anything anymore”… “all I can do is pray”…as if prayer is a last resort, and as if prayer is what we do, when we don’t know what to do for someone…so we may as well just pray…not always believing that it might make a difference…

Prayer is number one. Prayer aligns us with God’s will and purpose. Prayer strengthens, supports, comforts, encourages, and encompasses so much more. Prayer unites us, lifts us up, as one family, through the power of God’s love…as revealed to us in Christ Jesus…and through the gift of the Holy Spirit that was promised and fulfilled in the scriptures we listen to every year, on the Day of Pentecost.

As Jesus has set an example of praying, and serving others, and just as Jesus has sent his disciples out into the world, he sends us out into the world. And one way, all of us – the young, the busy, the retired, the home-bound – no matter who we are - we can be a servant in this world, through the ministry of prayer.

In our Catechism section, An Outline of our Faith, on page 856 in our Book of Common Prayer, there is a section all about Prayer and Worship and it begins with this first question: “What is prayer?” The answer noted is this: Prayer is responding to God, by thought and by deeds, with or without words.

I love this opening question and answer, because it doesn’t define prayer, as needing to have all of our words perfectly formed, or sounding elegant, as many of the prayers in our book of common prayer do. It doesn’t define prayer as only an idle spiritual practice. It doesn’t define prayer to limit how we are being called to pray at various times throughout our lives. It encompasses all the possible ways we can pray and respond to God’s invitation to love and serve one another…whether it’s with thoughts or deeds, or with or without words…

Sometimes, the most powerful prayer, is offered in moments of silence – moments when we sit quietly, responding to God, acknowledging His presence.

Sometimes, the most powerful prayer, comes streaming down our faces, with tears of sorrow, or tears of joy and gratitude for those we love…

Sometimes, the most powerful prayer is offered in our music, or the sounds we hear while strolling through the forest, or down by the waterfront.

Sometimes, the most powerful moments in prayer are when we are the recipients of people praying for us.

When we are on the receiving end, we are truly being given a gift – the gift of God’s love, and the assurance that in the midst of all that may be uncertain and unsettling to comprehend...that God is with us always…

Jesus’ words in the scriptures on Ascension Day, as he was getting ready to depart this world,  affirm that when he says.  “And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age." 

Yes...it’s wonderful to be on the receiving end of prayer…especially as we think of Jesus praying for his disciples and us…Yet, one of the amazing things about prayer...is that when we pray for others, the gift and assurance is for us, too…

 One of the mysteries of prayer is that while and when our intentions may be directed to another, we will receive a portion of God’s grace as well. (David Haas)

God’s grace, the gift of his love, is intended for all people…

This gift is revealed to us, through the love of Jesus and the many examples he has set before us…teaching us how to love one another, as he has loved us…how to pray for one another, as he has prayed for us…

We are now being sent out into the world to follow his example that he has given us…to pray for one another, by thought and by deeds, with or without words…that God’s will may be done…here on earth…as in heaven…May it be so.

Let us take a few moments now…in the silence of your heart…to present your own needs, and to bring before God, the needs of others…


Closing Prayer/Hymn: Hear Our Prayer, O Lord

Lift Every Voice and Sing II, #249


Hear our prayer, O Lord, hear our prayer, O Lord;

Incline thine ear to us, and grant us thy peace. Amen.


Rev Julie Platson, Rector

St Peter’s by the Sea Episcopal Church, Sitka, AK

****photo of St Peter’s and aurora taken by Dan Evans…May 11, 2024

May 5 sermon - You've got a friend in me

6 Easter/Year B/May 5, 2024

Acts 10:44-48; Psalm 98; 1 John 5:1-6; John 15:9-17


Opening prayer:

Holy God, Jesus taught us: To abide in his love, to love one another as he has loved us. He invites us into a loving relationship and friendship with him, and one another, as we commit to walking with him in a way of love that he has shown us and taught us, in laying down his life for one’s friends. We pray on this day, and in the days to come, that all God’s people and all the earth may abide in his love and come to know the joy of Jesus’ friendship; and that we will be moved to go out into our communities bearing the fruits of this love and friendship with all we meet; this we pray in the name of our friend, Jesus, who with you and the Holy Spirit, lives and reigns, one God, for ever and ever.  Amen.

The season of Easter is beginning to wind down…two more weeks to go…before we celebrate the Day of Pentecost, and the beginning of a new season in the church year…

The school year is beginning to wind down, too…with end of the year celebrations, graduations, teacher appreciation week, final recitals and programs…soon teachers, students, families, and community members will change gears as summer programs begin, and new opportunities and activities are set to begin…

This time of endings and new beginnings, often brings with it, a lot of mixed emotions, as do other times of change and transition throughout ones’ life…

It’s a time for students and family members to reminisce on all the ways they have physically, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually grown over the years…and to celebrate that…

And as I think about children, and their years growing up, I think about how important friendships are to their growth and well-being over the years…and how it is in those early years growing up, that learning to be a friend, and the joy of being called one’s friend is so important to laying a good foundation for their emotional and spiritual health.  

I give thanks for all the loving and supportive adults who have helped children in our midst to form good relationships and friendships with their peers, and other adults in their schools, church and community.

Yet, I am especially mindful at graduation time, knowing that there are some children who will not be walking across that stage to graduate for  a variety of reasons; there are some children, who have not had the joy of experiencing friendships with other students; there are some who have not grown up in a supportive and loving environment, and have not had the same resources available to them, as some of their classmates have had; there are some children whose lives were cut short due to physical illnesses, and unrecognized mental health issues.

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. It was established in 1949 to increase awareness of the importance of mental health and wellness in the lives of children of all ages and to celebrate that recovery from mental illness is possible, and there are tools and resources available to help..  (SAMHSA.GOV)

There are a variety of resources out there to help family members, community members, and faith-based communities learn the basic signs of mental health illnesses and other facts about mental health to encourage those in need to seek help and to help those of us, who want to support our friends and family and community members in the best ways that we can. (and I plan to send out a list of some helpful resources later today and this week)

But I want to share briefly about a presentation I attended this week put on by the Sitka Youth Leadership Committee, to introduce the community to their Mental Health is Health Campaign.

According to their website description of the campaign - SYLC's Mental Health Is Health campaign aims to destigmatize the spectrum of mental health challenges, normalize asking for help, encourage adults to be aware of signs of mental health decline in youth and respond with urgency and appropriate resources, and illuminate how systems of oppression and inequity can impact individuals' mental health.

They showed us 2 colorful posters that they designed and created, and are being distributed in the community already.

One poster’s theme is: Cultivate Wellbeing, with this description on the poster: Mental Health is like a garden: growing, flourishing, challenging, and wilting. It’s in constant flux depending on the seasons, weather, and soil conditions. Similarly, many factors contribute to one’s emotional wellbeing or decline. Mental health is not about feeling good all the time, but being able to process everything that life throws at you. Without tending to our garden, mental health challenges can worsen, resulting in harm to ourselves or others. Knowing where to seek support is critical in cultivating a healthy environment for growing strong, resilient roots. No one has to struggle alone or hide behind the shadows of mental health challenges.

The 2nd poster’s theme is: Be a Harbor of Support –it speaks to us even more directly as community members and church members in this description: The ocean is an unpredictable element – waves crash, storms surge, and emergencies can happen. We as a community need to be prepared to respond when someone is in distress, whether that be an emergency on the water, or a mental health crisis. Recognizing the signals and flares is the first step in helping our kids and one another navigate rough waters and avoid rocky shores.

How can we as individuals, and as a faith community, support and help cultivate wellbeing in our community’s youth and families? How can we as individuals, and as a faith community, be a harbor of support for our youth and families in our community?

In this season of endings and new beginnings...think about the ways God is inviting you and our church community to share the joy of Jesus’ love and friendship with the youth and families in our community…so that no-one ever needs to feel alone, hopeless, or helpless in facing the ups and downs and struggles throughout all the seasons of our lives…

When we pause and take the time to abide in Jesus’ love, we will always have a friend for life. And when we experience the joy of this loving relationship and friendship…how can we not share it with others?

Jesus assures us…that we can always count on his love and friendship…and he call us to be that same kind of friend to one another…


Closing thoughts/prayer/song: You’ve got a friend in me (Toy Story, Randy Newman)

You've got a friend in me

You've got a friend in me

When the road looks rough ahead

And you're miles and miles

From your nice warm bed

You just remember what your old pal said

(Son), you've got a friend in me

Yeah, you've got a friend in me


You've got a friend in me

You've got a friend in me

you got troubles, then I got 'em too

There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you

If we stick together we can see it through

Cause you've got a friend in me

Yeah, You've got a friend in me


Now, some other folks might be

A little bit smarter than I am

Bigger and stronger too


But none of them will ever love you

The way I do, just me and you

(Boy) and as the years go by

Our friendship will never die

You're gonna see it's our destiny

You've got a friend in me

You've got a friend in me

You've got a friend in me



Rev Julie Platson, Rector

St Peter’s by the Sea Episcopal Church, Sitk

Creation Care Sunday - April 28, 2024

Creation Care Sunday/April 28, 2024

Readings: Benedicte Tongass: A Canticle for Southeast Alaska (Words: Bonnie Demerjian, St Philip’s, Wrangell); Creation A Congregational Reading (Liturgy for the Whole Church: Multigenerational Resources for Worship, by Susan K. Brock); Psalm 33: 3-9; 13-15; Mark 16: 14-15


Opening prayer: (from A General Thanksgiving- BCP 836)

Accept, O Lord, our thanks and praise for all that you have done for us. We thank you for the splendor of the whole creation, for the beauty of this world, for the wonder of life, and for the mystery of love. Make us ever-mindful of our call to be God’s partner in caring for this world and all of creation, and make us ever-mindful of setting aside sabbath time to rest in God, as part of our call to love and serve and celebrate the wonderful world God has created out of love, for all of God’s people, for all of creation. Amen.

Periodically, throughout the year, we take the time during a Sunday service, to focus on Creation Care…This past Monday was Earth Day, and many celebrations have been taking place all week, giving us an opportunity to pause and turn our attention once again towards the care of our earthly home and all of its’ inhabitants. Of course, this isn’t meant to suggest that our focus on creation care should only be a once in awhile thing to think about …It just gives us an opportunity, today,  to intentionally turn our hearts and minds, once again, to the gifts of God, and the glory of God, revealed to us in Creation…in the land, the mountains, the deserts, the trees, the waters, the animals, the birds, the fish, the butterflies, the planets, the stars, the expanse of the skies, and in the people all around us…It’s meant to remind us to take time regularly to stop and notice the magnificence and beauty of God’s handiwork all around us, all the time, to see all that is good, very good, very, very good, in the world that God created, from the very beginning.

READ/Book: Noticing (written by Kobi Yamada, Illustrated by Elise Hurst)

Yes, we are invited to pay attention, to be more attentive to the world around us, learning to open our eyes, ears, hearts, and minds to pay attention, to notice…all that this beautiful, miraculous world has to show us and teach us…

But, it can’t stop there with just pausing and noticing the splendor of the whole creation, the beauty of this world, the wonder of life, and the mystery of love in all of creation.

It’s also a reminder to us to stop for a time to examine the ways our present day lifestyles are contributing to the destruction and depletion of the natural resources which sustain all of creation, to consider the ways we have hurt one another, and all of creation by our greed and selfishness, and to acknowledge our neglect and  carelessness in not being faithful stewards of all that has been entrusted to our care.

It’s a time to begin again, with a renewed commitment to not only call creation good and lovely and beautiful, but to respond in gratitude for all the gifts of God and the people of God, by striving to truly love one another, share generously the abundant gifts of creation with all whom we share this earthly life with, and by working together to safeguard this wonderful earth, this wonderful world, and all its’ creatures, not only with our lips, but in our lives…not only for today, but for future generations…

“The miraculous is everywhere and in everything. Waiting for us to notice it. Waiting for us to appreciate it. Waiting for us to love it.” (Noticing Kobi Yamada)


Closing thoughts/prayer/song: What a Wonderful World (by George David Weiss & Bob Thiele, illustrated by Ashley Bryan)


I see trees of green, red roses too, I see them bloom for me and you, and I think to myself, “What a wonderful world!”

I see skies of blue and clouds of white, the bright, blessed day, the dark, sacred night, and I think to myself, “What a wonderful world!”

The colors of the rainbow, so pretty in the sky are also on the faces of people going by. I see friends shaking hands, saying, “How do you do?” They’re really saying, “I love you.”

I hear babies cry, I watch them grow. They’ll learn much more than I’ll ever know, and I think to myself, “What a wonderful world!”

Yes, I think to myself… “What a wonderful world!”…amen…


Rev Julie Platson, Rector/St Peter’s by the Sea Episcopal Church, Sitka, AK