YOU...are the salt of the earth and the ljght of the world today

5 Epiphany/Year A/Feb 5, 2023

Isaiah 58:1-9a; Psalm 112: 1-9; Matthew 5:13-20


Last week’s gospel reading, took us up the mountain, to sit and listen to the beginning of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount…his teaching on the mountaintop, commonly referred to as the Beatitudes…Chip led us through a deeper look at each verse, it’s context and Greek translation…to help us understand more fully this teaching of Jesus…to help us see that they were not just a list of instructions to learn, and a checklist of things to do…and mark off, as complete…but as a way of life, practicing lovingkindness towards others, that leads to transforming our own lives, and the lives of others… We considered how this teaching gives us a glimpse of what the kingdom of God is like…what the beloved community looks like…what matters and who matters…And…I noted in last week’s sermon, that it wasn’t what the world would expect…just as Jesus was not the Messiah that many would have expected…But that was precisely the hope that Jesus proclaimed….A Hope that isn’t dependent on how the world defines how life “should be”…But, a hope that is built upon a foundation of God’s unconditional love for all people…most especially the vulnerable, the forgotten, the lost,  those whose voices are silenced, those who are searching for signs of God’s love and light and hope in the world around them…

We continue this week, with the words of Jesus’ sermon on the mount…and continue with that thread of the unexpected “good news” that Jesus is always wanting his listeners to grab hold of…and believe in…

Jesus said, “You are the salt of the earth; but if salt has lost its taste, how can its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything, but is thrown out and trampled under foot.

Jesus said, “You are the light of the world. A city built on a hill cannot be hid. No one after lighting a lamp puts it under the bushel basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.

IN today’s gospel reading…I imagine Jesus looking directly into the eyes of all who are gathered…when he says to them…

You…You are the salt of the earth….

You…You are the light of the world…

You, gathered here today…are the salt of the earth and the light of the world…

You, are the ones that are necessary today, to show up…to be the living, breathing signs of God’s love and light and hope in a world that wonders at times… “where is this God of love, and mercy and compassion in the midst of so much suffering, anxiety, and uncertainty”…

The signs, Jesus teaches us, are not found in the ritual sacrifices, or on the altar, or following the commandments and checking off the boxes, or in the private prayers of the people…They are revealed most fully in the lives of the people among us now, and those who have gone on before us, who embrace Jesus’ invitation to live authentically as a child of God, as salt of the earth people, as light of the world people…

And Jesus encourages us to embody the Good News of God’s love and light and hope…by becoming agents of God’s healing and re-building of a world where the bonds of injustice are loosed, the oppressed are set free, bread is shared generously with the hungry, the homeless and poor all have access to safe and warm shelter, and all have the resources that they need

You…You are the salt of the earth….

You…You are the light of the world…

You, are the ones that are necessary today, to show up…to be the living, breathing signs of God’s love and light and hope in a world that wonders at times… “where is this God of love, and mercy and compassion in the midst of so much suffering, anxiety, and uncertainty”…

These past few years have dulled our abilities, at times, to be surprised by unexpected signs of God’s love and light and hope in our day to day lives…we have been collectively affected by so much illness, grief, and disruption in our daily lives…we’ve mostly been living in survival mode…trying to hold on to the time when everything will get back to normal again…


Jesus invites us to begin again, right here and now…look around us, at the signs of hope and light and love of God, embodied in the people of God among us…that remind us that we have all that we need in this moment, to live life fully, abundantly, generously…right now… and with hope for what is possible and yet to come, in the days ahead…

We can trust and believe that we have the assurance of God’s love made known to us, in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, and through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

And we have each other.

Every one of us, Jesus tells us, is the salt of the earth…the light of the world…

You…You are the salt of the earth….

You…You are the light of the world…

You, are the ones that are necessary today, to show up…to be the living, breathing signs of God’s love and light and hope in a world that wonders at times… “where is this God of love, and mercy and compassion in the midst of so much suffering, anxiety, and uncertainty”…


You are the one called to share the good news that God is here, among us now…and that sometimes a light surprises us…and will most assuredly restore our Hope that God, indeed, is with us always…



Let us pray:

Hymn: Sometimes a light surprises – (H) 667


1        Sometimes a light surprises the Christian while she sings;

          it is the Lord who rises with healing in his wings:

          when comforts are declining, he grants the soul again

          a season of clear shining, to cheer it after rain.


2        In holy contemplation we sweetly then pursue

          the theme of God’s salvation, and find it ever new;

          set free from present sorrow, we cheerfully can say,

          let the unknown tomorrow bring with it what it may.


3        It can bring with it nothing but he will bear us through:

          who gives the lilies clothing will clothe his people, too:

          beneath the spreading heavens no creature but is fed;

          and he who feeds the ravens will give his children bread.


4        Though vine nor fig tree neither their wonted fruit should bear,

          though all the fields should wither, nor flocks nor herds be there;

          yet, God the same abiding, his praise shall tune my voice;

          for, while in him confiding, I cannot but rejoice.


Rev. Julie Platson, St Peter’s by the Sea Episcopal Church, Sitka, AK


Following the Light of Christ…

3 Epiphany  Year A/Jan 22 2023 

Isaiah 9:1-4; Psalm 27: 1, 5-13; Matthew 4:12-23

Following the Light of Christ…


We are journeying through the season of Epiphany…the season that sheds light on Jesus and who he is…and the season that sheds light on the experiences of his first followers, who chose to leave the darkness, and step unto the path of light…

This third Sunday in Epiphany…extends an invitation to all of us…once again…to join in that long procession of those who left all they knew and loved…to follow Jesus…to follow that great light that was leading the way…towards the kingdom of heaven…

 IN our first reading today, we hear these words of hope from Isaiah:  “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who lived in a land of deep darkness – on them light has shined.” The words of Isaiah shed light on our gospel reading today as we hear how Jesus made his home in Capernaum by the sea, in the territory of Zebulun and Naphtali, so that what had been spoken by the prophet Isaiah might be fulfilled:

“Land of Zebulun, land of Naphtali,

on the road by the sea, across the Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles—

the people who sat in darkness

have seen a great light,

and for those who sat in the region and shadow of death

light has dawned.”


.We believe that Jesus is the great light that has come to scatter the darkness.

It would appear by the actions of Peter, Andrew, James and John…that they must have seen a great light shining forth through Jesus….a light that was so spectacular…that they got up, and followed him immediately…They must have seen or experienced something so mesmerizing and inspiring, that would cause them to leave all they knew and loved.

One of the questions that so often comes up when discussing this text with others, is “why did Peter, Andrew, James and John seem to go so willingly?”

All we hear in the scriptures today is the simple invitation Jesus extended to Peter and Andrew… “Follow me, I will make you fish for people”….and the simple call out to James and John, when he was passing by them, while they were at work, mending their nets. They didn’t hesitate… they just dropped everything…accepted the invitation to follow Jesus…to see where he would lead them…and as they followed Jesus throughout Galilee, they listened to Jesus teaching in the synagogues and proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and watching him as he was curing every disease and sickness among the people.

Imagine…how this must have touched them….they got a glimpse of what the kingdom of God, the kingdom of heaven looked like….they not only heard the good news proclaimed, but they also saw, with their own eyes, by the light of Jesus, that the good news of the kingdom of heaven, was indeed, very near to them.

They must have seen how the light overcame the deep darkness….the darkness of fear, uncertainty, grief, the darkness of pain and suffering; the darkness of those being oppressed by fear, the darkness of those without any hope…they must have seen the power in this new light …this light of joy, this light of peace, and this light of perfect love, to bring healing and hope to God’s people…

A simple invitation…a yes, without hesitating….and look what they found?

Signs of Hope….hope for an end to suffering, hope for an end to pain, hope for healing and renewal, hope for a new life, with the Lord…who is our light and our salvation…who is the strength of our lives…

Hope that the world and its people will once again be reunited together in love for God and for one another….working together to build up God’s Kingdom here on earth…where lives will be transformed by the love and light of Jesus, our Lord… our light and our salvation… the strength of our lives…

I believe that Peter, Andrew, James and John…were blessed beyond measure, by accepting Jesus’ invitation to follow him…..What a different story, it would have been if they said no…and did not choose to follow Jesus…just think what would have been lost…

Just think, for a moment, how many times we have closed our eyes and ears to this invitation…and said no…we closed our eyes tight…because we were afraid…we closed our eyes tight so we didn’t have to see the pain and suffering in our neighbors, or our loved ones…we closed our eyes tight, because we couldn’t see how we could be of help at all because there is too much darkness in the world in which we live…

Think about this though….if we close our eyes to the darkness in our world, we are also closing our eyes to the light that is out there…the light of love that others are trying to share with us; the light of joy that others want to celebrate with us; the light of peace, that others want to extend to us; and the light of Jesus who walked through the dark to scatter new light, to bring healing and restore hope once again, in each one of us, and in the world around us…

We have to be willing to say yes to Jesus’ invitation….to welcome this new light into our hearts and minds, to allow it to transform us and use us to scatter this new light  all around us…

Our world would be a much brighter place, if we allowed the light of Jesus to shine through each one of us….

Imagine…if we passed on the light of love and hope to others that we have experienced ourselves…imagine if we invited others to come and see and follow Jesus too….Instead of just one light out there…there would be millions and millions and millions of lights shining…that’s a lot of light and a lot of hope….

I think our world could use it…

Today…and every day, throughout the rest of this Epiphany season…

I will begin my day by praying the words of this hymn: Today I awake…I hope you will join me in this morning prayer…


Hymn: Today I Awake  (Words and Music: John Bell)

Recording the hymn: Today I Awake - Heather Jordan

Today I awake and God is before me.  At night, as I dreamt, God summoned the day; For God never sleeps but patterns the morning  with slithers of gold or glory in grey.
Today I arise and Christ is beside me.  He walked through the dark to scatter new light, Yes, Christ is alive, and beckons his people to hope and to heal, resist and invite.

Today I affirm the Spirit within me at worship and work, in struggle and rest. The Spirit inspires all life which is changing from fearing to faith, from broken to blest.
Today I enjoy the Trinity round me,  above and beneath, before and behind; The Maker, the Son, the Spirit together they called me to life and call me their friend.


Rev. Julie Platson, St. Peter’s by the Sea Episcopal Church, Sitka, AK

Sharing the the Light of Christ

2 Epiphany/Year A

January 15, 2023

Isaiah 49:1-7, Psalm 40:1-12; John 1:29-42


Prayer: Holy God, you sent your son to be the light of the world, so that all may know the brightness of your love. Fill us with grace this day that we too may bear witness to his light and serve your coming reign. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen  (Feasting on the Word: Worship Companion)

We celebrated the Feast of the Epiphany just nine days ago, on January 6th…On this day, every year,  we read the familiar scriptures that take us on a journey with the wise men following a star that leads them to the Christ child, Jesus, and his family… a journey that enabled them to be among some of the first witnesses to the light of the holy child that was born, an encounter that changed them, transformed them, and sent them home by another way…

As we begin this season in the church year, that follows after the Epiphany, I want to invite you to look up at one of the stars above you (that the Sunday school kids created for the family Christmas pageant this year) when we are gathered here in the church, pause for a moment, and be reminded of the wise men’s journey to the Christ child, Jesus, as they followed the star that led them to finding the One, they were looking for…

And my hope for all of us, as we move through this season after the Epiphany, is that we, too will be changed anew and transformed anew by the light of Christ revealed to us in the scriptures, the prayers, in the music, in the company and fellowship with one another, these next several weeks…and that we too will discover new ways, along the way, to bear witness to this light of Christ, to follow Jesus, in the coming year…

The gospel readings throughout the next several weeks will point us towards getting a clearer picture of who this Jesus is, revealing more about who Jesus is, inviting us to “come and see” for ourselves, in our own lives, and through the witness of others, that indeed Jesus is the One who we’ve been longing for, hoping for, looking for…

On the 1st Sunday after Epiphany – last Sunday – we celebrated the Baptism of our Lord…in which the Spirit of God descending like a dove, alighted on Jesus, and a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, the Beloved, with whom I am well pleased.”

Today, on this 2nd Sunday after Epiphany, John saw Jesus coming toward him, and declared, “Here is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!”…and later on, the next day, John was standing with two of his disciples, when Jesus walked by and exclaimed, “Look, here is the Lamb of God!” The two disciples heard him say this, and they followed Jesus.

Next week, On the 3rd Sunday after Epiphany, we will hear about Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother, being called by Jesus to come and follow him…and how they immediately leave their nets to follow him…

On the 4th Sunday after Epiphany, we will listen to Jesus’ words to the crowds that were gathering all around him, as he spoke and taught them, what is commonly referred to as the beatitudes…the opening words from his Sermon on the Mount…

On the 5th Sunday after Epiphany – Jesus’ teachings continue to reveal his wisdom and divinity as he speaks about coming “not to abolish the law or the prophets…but to fulfill them”.

On the 6th Sunday after Epiphany – Jesus spends time teaching and breathing new life into the commandments… as they were understood in ancient times…

And then, finally, on the last Sunday after the Epiphany, we hear about Jesus’ transfiguration on the mountaintop, and circle back around to the beginning of the Epiphany season, by ending with the same words, that we began with on the 1st Sunday after Epiphany, at the time of Jesus’ Baptism: “from the cloud a voice said, “This is my Son, the Beloved; with him I am well pleased”…

As we move through this season after Epiphany, I pray that the Holy Spirit will open our eyes, ears, hearts and minds anew with awe and wonder to all the possibilities of discovering that yes, Jesus, is the One…Jesus is the One who is the light of the world, the hope of the world…Jesus is the One who invites each one of us…to follow him…walking as a Child of the Light…bearing witness to his love, light, hope, peace and joy…wherever our feet take us throughout the day…

In a world where so many people are grieving, struggling, living with chronic pain, worrying, not sure where their next meal will come from, or how they will pay rent this month… and in a world, where so many peoples’ worth and dignity are still brushed aside, and discriminated against, and oppressed and turned away at every corner….In a world where a deep sadness seems to blanket the everyday lives of so many of God’s beloved children…We are called to share Christ’s light in all the ways we can, with all the people we can, in all the places we possibly can….

By our baptisms, we are called to testify to the light…to share the light and love of God, revealed to us in Jesus….

At the time of our baptisms, a small candle lit from the paschal candle, is given to the newly baptized child…the light of Christ…

Every one of us, have the light of God within us…inviting us to share it with the world around us….

To shine our little light is to be the presence of Christ in the world today.

(Face to the Rising Sun: Reflections on Spirituals and Justice, The Rev Mark Bozzuti-Jones)


Prayer: Holy God, you sent your son to be the light of the world, so that all may know the brightness of your love. Fill us with grace this day that we too may bear witness to his light and serve your coming reign. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen  (Feasting on the Word: Worship Companion)


Hymn after the sermon: This Little light of Mine

This little light of mine…I’m gonna let it shine…(x3)

Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine…

This Little Light Of Mine (Jazz Ensemble)

(Rev Julie Platson, St Peter’s by the Sea Episcopal Church)

Christmas Day Sermon

Christmas Day/Year A - 12/25/22

Isaiah 52:7-10, Psalm 98, John 1:1-14

“What has come into being in him was life,

and the life was the light of all people.”

                                                                     John 1:4

What an incredible gift we were given again this Christmas…..a divine gift…the gift of life….the life which was offered to us as a light for all the people….

The gift… the life…  Is the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ….the source of all life….the focus of all our hopes….A gift given to us, because of God’s incredible love for his people…A gift that was given to us for eternity…it is this life that both creates us and redeems us….

“What has come into being in him was life,

and the life was the light of all people.”

                                                                     John 1:4 

We have something to celebrate today….the good news that God came to be among us…we have seen his glory through the birth of his Son, Jesus, who came into the world as the true light….a light that enlightens everyone…we have been given life, so that we may have it more abundantly….a life abundant with love, joy, hope and peace…

So, let’s reflect for a moment on our celebrations at Christmas time… We love to celebrate…We love to give and receive gifts…

Max Lucado writes in his book, One Incredible Moment…about Divine Gifts…

Oh, the things we do to give gifts to those we love.

But we don’t mind, do we” We would do it all again. Fact is, we do it all again. Every Christmas, every birthday, every so often we find ourselves in foreign territory. Grownups are in toy stores, dads are in teen stores, wives are in the hunting department, and husbands are in the purse department.

 Not only do we enter unusual places, we do unusual things. We assemble bicycles at midnight. We hide the new tires with mag wheels under the stairs. One fellow I heard about rented a movie theatre so he and his wife could see their wedding pictures on their anniversary.

And we’d do it all again. Having pressed the grapes of service, we drink life’s sweetest wine – the wine of giving. We are at our best when we are giving. In fact, we are most like God when we are giving.

Have you ever wondered why God gives so much? We could exist on far less. He could have left the world flat and gray; we wouldn’t have known the difference. But he didn’t.

He splashed orange in the sunrise and cast the sky blue.

And if you love to see geese as they gather, chances are you’ll see that too.

Did he have to make the squirrel’s tail furry?                                               

Was he obliged to make the birds sing?

 And the funny way that chickens scurry or

the majesty of thunder when it rings?

Why give a flower fragrance? Why give food its taste?

Could it be he loves to see that look upon your face?

 If we give gifts to show our love, how much more would he? If we  - speckled with foibles and greed – love to give gifts, how much more does God, pure and perfect God, enjoy giving gifts to us?

God’s gifts shed light on God’s heart, God’s good and generous heart. Jesus’ brother James tells us, “Every desirable and beneficial gift comes out of heaven. The gifts are rivers of light cascading down from the Father of Light (James 1:17 MSG).

Every gift reveals God’s love…(end of Max Lucado book excerpt)

Let us be reminded this day, of God’s gift to his people…a gift that revealed his incredible love for his children….The Gift of life and light in this world….God’s only Son, Jesus…. Jesus is the light of all his people…a true light….who came into the world to enlighten all people….

“What has come into being in him was life,

and the life was the light of all people.”     John 1:4    


So let us “Sing to the Lord a new song…for he has done marvelous things!” Psalm 98:1

Let us celebrate the gift of life given to us on this blessed Christmas Day… Jesus, our Savior…Emmanuel…God is with us…God is always with us…

Hymn after sermon:  Love came down at Christmas (recording by Shawn Colvin)


Love came down at Christmas,

love all lovely, love divine;

love was born at Christmas:

star and angels gave the sign.


Worship we the Godhead,

love incarnate, love divine;

worship we our Jesus,

but wherewith for sacred sign?


Love shall be our token;

love be yours and love be mine,

love to God and neighbor,

love for plea and gift and sign.

Words: Christina Rossetti (1830-1894)


Christmas Eve Sermon

Christmas Eve – Dec 24, 2022

Isaiah 9:2-7; Psalm 96; Luke 2:1-20


What a night this is to behold…

It’s our first Christmas Eve together, in person, since December 24, 2019….It seems like a lifetime ago…and we all know…that these past few years have been full of a lot of loss, suffering, times of uncertainty and rapid changes that none of us, could have ever imagined…

Yet, these past few years, in the midst of so much uncertainty, has also been a time of great spiritual growth and resilience, many of us didn’t know we had within us…

It’s been an incredible time of learning together what it truly means to live as people of hope; to discover and celebrate together, the little and the big joys that continued to mark our lives together; we’ve learned to reach out and love one another in ways that we never knew were possible…and if we take a close, introspective look, we can see how our once limited perspectives on what love looks like and acts like…was stretched and expanded beyond anything we had yet to dream of…

This is the kind of love, we are talking about tonight, as we celebrate and remember the birth of Jesus, the Love of God, who came down to dwell among us…to remind us of the light, the hope, the peace, the joy, and the love and presence of God who is always among us, always surrounding us, always reminding us…that whatever is going on in our lives…we are not alone…

Emmanuel…God is with us…God has always been us from the beginning…God will be with us…as we walk together in the coming year…

On Christmas Eve, our scriptures and our hymns and our prayers remind us of this good news…The shepherds, the angels, all those looking up at the night sky…saw the stars, saw the signs of God’s glorious light and love coming into the world, a gift given, not just for this one night…but for eternity…forever…

The night sky, the stars, are there for us even today…to look up and remember…this love that was born for us…this love that came down at Christmas…

The stars hanging here on the nativity table, were made by the youth here at St Peter’s…and were brought forward as part of the family pageant last week…So, it was with great joy that I discovered this beautiful book, unexpectedly this week, to share with you tonight…It’s called the Christmas Star…by Margaret Pfister…

That light, that glorious light, that beacon of hope…was born for us on Christmas Day…

Hymn after sermon: Love came down at Christmas (youtube recording/Andrew Remillard)

1       Love came down at Christmas,

                 love all lovely, love divine;

         love was born at Christmas:

                 star and angels gave the sign.


2       Worship we the Godhead,

                 love incarnate, love divine;

         worship we our Jesus,

                 but wherewith for sacred sign?


3       Love shall be our token;

                 love be yours and love be mine,

         love to God and neighbor,

                 love for plea and gift and sign.


3 Advent/Year A - December 11, 2022

(Sermon by Rev Julie Platson)                              

Isaiah 35:1-10; Canticle 15; Matthew 11:2-11


3rd advent candle: JOY

We light three candles on our advent wreath today… one for HOPE and one for PEACE…and today we lit the third candle, the rose/pink candle of JOY. On this 3rd Sunday of Advent, the church invites us to rejoice -, we can rejoice now because we know that God is faithful to God’s promises. Jesus is coming soon(Living well through Advent 2022)…The Hope, Peace, Joy, and love of Christ…is coming again soon…


Expectations…that’s the word that’s been on my mind this week…

The opening words from today’s gospel certainly got me thinking about expectations…

“When John heard in prison what the Messiah was doing, he sent word by his disciples and said to him, “Are you the one who is to come, or are we to wait for another?”

In today’s forward day by day devotion, for this 3rd Sunday of Advent, Sallie Schisler…reflected a bit on this verse…and it gave me some food for thought all week, as I thought about how I manage expectations of myself, others, what I’m looking for in life, what I’m expecting in my life and the world around me, as I anticipate, prayerfully wait and watch, and ponder the meaning, once again, of the 1st and 2nd coming of our Lord Jesus Christ…

Let’s listen to what she writes:

The Roman ruler Herod Antipas imprisoned John the Baptist because he publicly challenged Herod’s divorce and remarriage. As John languishes in prison, his faith in the powerful predictions he has made about the one who is to come may be wavering. So, John sends messengers to ask Jesus if he is the one.

Jesus says: Yes, John was right. The blind now see, the lame walk, and good news is proclaimed to the poor. These are all signs of how God’s kingdom would come into the world. But John was expecting a bigger splash. He assumed the Messiah would seize power and trounce the enemies of God. Blinded by his own expectations, he almost missed the significance of Jesus’s ministry.

I wonder when my expectations are viewed through the lens of my own desires. When might I have missed the point? (end of her reflection)

I love this time of year...this season of advent… and particularly this 3rd Sunday in Advent…because it invites us to slow down, ask questions, wonder aloud, and think about the lens through which we view our expectations…

Are we missing the signs of God kingdom breaking into our world already? Are we missing the signs of God’s hope, peace, joy, and love all around us now because we are looking through the lens of our own desires, our doubts, and in our weariness and unbelief, that nothing could ever change, nothing new is possible? Are we missing signs of the One we’ve been waiting for, who is indeed already here with us, in the many ways God’s people are proclaiming the good news to the poor, lifting up the lowly, feeding the hungry, in our communities?

Setting aside time to do this wondering and discernment, is a gift given to us, in this season of advent… it can help us identify those areas in our lives, where we might need to re-align our views and our expectations with God, and through the lens of God, rooted in the hope, peace, joy and love of the One, who is promised…will come again…Jesus Christ…

I wonder how our views and expectations would be changed and transformed in this time of slowing down a bit, this time of reflecting further on the scriptures, the music of advent, this intentional time spent in quiet and prayer, time set aside for worship and fellowship with others each week…I wonder, if we would begin to notice more around us…to notice God already at work in the world…to notice where the work of peace and justice is being advocated for and enacted in our communities… to notice where new relationships are being formed…to notice where healing is beginning… to notice where unexpected songs of joy and laughter are breaking through all the disappointment and discouragement we experience in our daily lives when our expectations are continually viewed through the lens of our own desires, our doubts, and in our weariness and unbelief…

Jesus poses another set of questions in today’s gospel when speaking to the crowds about John the BaptistAnother set of questions that invites us to think more about our expectations…  “What did you go out into the wilderness to look at? A reed shaken by the wind? What then did you go out to see?”

What about you? What are you looking for? What then did you go out to see?

As we journey through these final weeks of Advent - What are your expectations? What are you hoping for? What are you longing for?  

Take some time to think more about your own expectations…

Are your expectations viewed through the lens of your own desires, doubts, weariness and unbelief…or through the lens of God, rooted in the hope, peace, joy and love of the One, who is promised…will come again…Jesus Christ…

And take some time this week… to notice and pay attention to the unexpected songs of joy and laughter all around you…

Rejoice with Mary…today…and according to our advent calendar it’s a day to stir up something sweet for dessert…so let’s celebrate together...the long-expected Jesus is coming again soon!

Let us pray:  HYMN after sermon:  Come, thou long-expected Jesus (vs 1 & 2)


2 Advent/Year A

December 4, 2022

(Sermon by Rev Julie Platson)                              

Isaiah 11:1-10; Psalm 72:1-7, 18-19; Romans 15:4-13; Matthew 3:1-12


2nd advent candle: PEACE

We come to prepare the way;

The way for Christ –

the hope of Christ, the peace of Christ –

to enter our world,

to enter our hearts.

We cry out together in the wilderness:

The kingdom of heaven has come near.

We come to be part of the light– the light of peace…

the light that shines in the darkness.

~ written by Joanna Harader, and posted on Spacious Faith.

Today is the 2nd Sunday of Advent…and it stirs up a lot more questions…and shakes up the quiet start to our season, just a short week ago…

Last Sunday, we began the season of Advent with an invitation to ponder the old, but new questions that come up every year as we begin Advent…What time is it? How much longer? How will we know? What signs should we watch for? How many more days until we can celebrate once again the beloved stories of Jesus’ birth shared during our Christmas celebrations? How much longer must we watch and wait until Christ comes again?

We were encouraged to use the advent calendar, to help us slow down, be quiet, prayerfully watch and wait, as we ponder the meaning, once again, of both the 1st and 2nd comings of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to consider what it means for us, in this time of our lives…

The readings for the 2nd Sunday of Advent provide for some beautiful visual imagery and some harsh sounding words that proclaim a sense of urgency… as we watch and wait and ponder anew…the 1st and 2nd coming of our Lord Jesus Christ…

We listened to these words from Isaiah…giving us a vision of peace among all creatures…

The wolf shall live with the lamb, the leopard shall lie down

with the kid, the calf and the lion and the fatling together,

and a little child shall lead them. The cow and the bear shall graze,

their young shall lie down together; and the lion shall eat straw like the ox.

In our psalm today, the words painted a beautiful picture of the coming of this new kind of king and kingdom…a kingdom where justice and peace shall flourish…

He shall defend the needy among the people; *he shall rescue the poor and crush the oppressor.

He shall live as long as the sun and moon endure, *from one generation to another.

He shall come down like rain upon the mown field, *like showers that water the earth.

In his time shall the righteous flourish; *there shall be abundance of peace till the moon shall be no more.

In Paul’s letter to the Romans, we were reminded once again…

Whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, so that by steadfastness and by the encouragement of the scriptures we might have hope.  And the reading concludes with the familiar and beautiful words from the end of our morning prayer services:

 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Our gospel reading is a pretty familiar story…we hear some version of the story about John the Baptist, every year during the Advent season… This year’s version begins with John the Baptist appearing in the wilderness of Judea, proclaiming, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” We listened to the description of John the Baptist, who wore clothing of camel’s hair with a leather belt around his waist, and whose food was locusts and wild honey. We listened to his bold and harsh words for the Pharisees and the Sadducees who were coming to him to be baptized… questioning their motive perhaps?

And we heard his urgent and straightforward words, once again,  that point to the One who is more powerful coming after him…

Sometimes, the messages that come through the scriptures seem pretty subtle…they seem to come through to us, in a faint whisper…stay awake, watch and wait, pray, be quiet, be still…but there are other times in the reading of the scriptures, where the words jump off of the page in loud and bold letters…

This Sunday…is one of those Sundays.

I like to think that maybe they seem louder today, because I am one week into my advent discipline of a more prayerful, contemplative journey throughout Advent…slowing down, finding time to be quiet, and using the advent calendar to help me focus on “being ready”, spiritually ready, as I watch and wait for the coming of Christ again...and as I turn my heart and my attention towards Jesus, once again, remembering to keep him at the center of all my holiday preparations, and celebrations at Christmas, and beyond…

But then, I truthfully examine my journey thus far…and realize I have strayed off course already, I am failing miserably in my first week…

So perhaps the loudness today isn’t really loud at all because I am focusing more on quietness…but maybe it seems likes its getting progressively louder, and more persistent because I keep getting distracted and fail to pay attention to the words of wisdom, and the urgent messages being proclaimed by the messengers, the prophets, that I’ve heard more than once…I’ve heard them many times…and every time, I think I’ll pay attention, and try to make some small change in my life… and spiritual practice, because of the good news that I heard…

I often wonder if God ever becomes impatient with us, as we do with others in our lives, when we are trying to teach them something…something urgent, something wonderful, something we know will transform their lives in a hopeful way, in a peaceful way, in a joyful way, in a loving way…

Anyone who has raised children, teenagers, or those who work as any kind of caregiver or teacher in some capacity…knows how difficult it is to get our words of wisdom and urgent messages across to someone we love and care for…we often raise our voices, in desperation and exhaustion, as we strive to get our message across…

What we usually find out though, is that it’s not really how loudly we speak that makes them to listen…but instead, with the persistence of our loving intentions, words and visions of hope for them to hang on to, and with the intervention of the holy spirit, there is an opening of their own minds and hearts, and a willingness to hear something new for themselves, that prompts them to “turn around”, change direction, and begin again… It is in this turning around…where new life begins to flourish…

John the Baptist is the urgent and persistent voice of love and hope calling us, to turn around…and watch for the more powerful One that is surely coming…

In this season of Advent, as we are urged to slow down, be quiet, watch and wait, together…we will hear quiet voices, and urgent and persistent voices…calling our attention to turn around…to focus on the One, Jesus Christ, who the prophets proclaim boldly, will come again…the One whose life, death, resurrection and ascension to heaven, is where new life begins in us, and where the seeds of hope, peace, joy and love begin to grow and flourish among all of God’s people and all of creation…


Let us pray:  HYMN after sermon: (VF) 33 -The grain is ripe


1        The grain is ripe: the harvest comes!

          good seed of hope, your time is now

          justice will stream from hill and river,

          more than you dream and running over.


2        The righteous God gives this and more:

          grace is the mode, mercy the key,

          God comes in truth, the sharpest laser

          to scan the earth, to take our measure.


3        The work of peace is all for all,

          face turned to face in open trust,

          all famine gone and thirst and bleeding,

          the harvest comes from love’s good seeding.

Stay awake - be ready!

1 Advent/Year A

November 27, 2022

(Sermon by Rev Julie Platson)                              

Isaiah 2:1-5; Psalm 122; Romans 13:11-14; Matthew 24:36-44


1st advent candle: HOPE

God of hope, be with us in our Advent journey to the stable and beyond,

be with us in our meeting and in our travelling together,

be with us in our worship and our praying together,

be with us in our Advent journey to the stable and beyond,

our God of hope. Amen.


Today is the 1st Sunday of Advent – the beginning of a new year on the church calendar…

Our season of Advent begins with an invitation from our Isaiah reading: Come, let us walk in the light of the world…Psalm 122 gives us an image of peace…Peace be within your walls and quietness within your towers…In Paul’s letter to the Romans…we are told: You know what time it is, how now is the moment to wake from sleep…In the gospel of Matthew we are urged to stay awake and be ready….for the Son of Man is coming at an unexpected hour…

The season of Advent…stirs up a whole lot of new, but old questions…

What time is it? How much longer? How will we know? What signs should we watch for? How many more days until we can celebrate once again the beloved stories of Jesus’ birth shared during our Christmas celebrations? How much longer must we watch and wait until Christ comes again?

Well, today…is only the 1st Sunday of Advent…the beginning of a new year on the church calendar…So, we are just beginning again…to ask all of these questions anew…to ponder the meaning, once again, of both the 1st and 2nd comings of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to consider what it means for us, in this time of our lives…

I think one of the greatest tools we have for our use in this season of Advent, to assist us in this time of waiting and watching and asking the questions that help us stay awake and be ready for the ways God is showing up in the most unexpected times, and places…is our advent calendar…

The advent calendar can help us slow down, take a one day at a time approach, help open our minds and hearts to focus on “being ready”, spiritually ready, watching and waiting for the coming of Christ again...and help us to put Jesus back in the center of all our celebrations at Christmas, and beyond…

This time of year, society is always pressuring us to hurry up, do more, you better get ready, the holidays are coming soon… you need to get all the shopping done, get all the gifts wrapped, get all the baking and decorating done, plan all the Holiday parties…all the things that, yes…can be fun and bring us so much joy…but can also, leave us exhausted by the time Christmas Day actually arrives…and once Christmas Day is over…can leave us feeling let down sometimes…and leave us wondering – now what? And, for people missing loved ones this time of year, the constant pressure to “get ready” for the holidays can make this time of year even more overwhelming and difficult…

The advent calendar can help us “be ready, spiritually ready…by transforming our minds and hearts to be watchful, to be awake to the ways God has always been longing to get our attention…is longing to come again into our lives…longing for us to pay attention to the signs of hope all around us…signs of renewal and hope for ourselves, and for the people in our communities, who we journey through this life together with…

This particular advent calendar that Forward movement publishes every year, with new daily short messages, questions to consider, small actions to take…is just one that I commend to your use this Advent…

Hang it up somewhere in your home, where you will see it…and take time to pause and reflect on the daily message…

The large words at the top should catch your attention, every morning…Slow down. Quiet. It’s Advent…The sub-title’s words, Twenty-Eight Days to Seek new life within and around you…can give you a vision and a hope for how your heart, mind and life can be transformed anew, and indeed made ready, in this new year, to welcome the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ into your lives, once again…this Christmas…and beyond…

As we begin this season of Advent, we are given the opportunity to continue to explore, further, the Five Marks of Mission, as adapted by Bishop Mark in his call to the people of the Episcopal Diocese of Alaska, to a time of renewal and growth in discipleship… And this Advent Calendar…is a great resource to help us do that…to help us think more about our relationship with Jesus, and share stories about our faith and our hopes with others; to help us learn more about the gospel readings we hear throughout the season of Advent, and how they relate to our lives now; to help us discern where we might be called this time of year, to reach out and offer support to a neighbor in need; to help encourage us to do something to promote racial reconciliation this Advent season; to help us take note of the love of God as revealed in creation, in this month of December and discern ways to protect this precious gift…and to help us be faithful in other ways, teaching us to be good stewards of all the gifts and treasures entrusted to us to use for the good of our community… our finances, our time, our talents…

The advent calendar can help us slow down, take a one day at a time approach, help open our minds and hearts to focus on “being ready”, spiritually ready, watching and waiting for the coming of Christ again...and help us put Jesus back in the center of all our celebrations at Christmas, and beyond…

Watching and waiting is something that is best done, together...together, you and I, and with Jesus, at the center of our lives…

So, let’s enter into this season of Advent together…with a commitment to help each other stay awake…and be ready…for the Lord is coming soon…the hope, peace, joy and love of God…is coming into our lives again soon!


Let us pray:  HYMN after sermon: Stay awake, be ready

My Heart Sings Out, #62 – vs 1 - recording


1        Stay awake, (clap, clap) be ready. (clap, clap)

          You do not know the hour when the Lord is coming.

          Stay awake, (clap, clap) be ready. (clap, clap)

          The Lord is coming soon!

          Alleluia, alleluia!

          The Lord is coming soon.