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Books and Conversations -How religion and politics intersect

The “BE Campaign” lectionary and prayers are approved for Sunday use October 2-30.  We will use them here at St Peter’s on Sundays and as a source for further discussion and prayer on Mondays: Oct 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 at 12pm.

An invitation from Bishop Mark Lattime:

In our time of political polarization and rising societal anger, we long for another way to relate to one another. Out of that holy longing, I invite you to join a national movement in partnership with Church of the Resurrection United Methodist Church and other Episcopal Congregations called the  “BE Campaign” to help make our communities a bit more like the Kingdom of God.  

As your bishop, I am inviting all congregations in the Diocese of Alaska, if they are so moved, to participate by dedicating the month of October (5 weeks leading up to Election Day) to the simple, yet profound teaching of the prophet Micah who, in a time not unlike our own in 700 BCE, asked the question: “What does the Lord require of us?” His answer: “Do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God.

We believe that we can love our neighbors and recover and reclaim these three essential practices. In this series, members of our congregations will be invited to reflect on five spiritual themes and to share them with their communities: Be just; Be kind; Be humble; Love your neighbor; How Religion and Politics Intersect.


May we all be just, kind, and humble.